Eduardo Cuyos has enjoyed a great career in Military Accounting, Federal Investigations, Forensic Accounting and Auditing.

Our digital assets
Wyith Institute™ awards US Military Lifer, Eduardo Cuyos its first Col. Brenner Military Scholarship
SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO, UNITED STATES, April 20, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Bankcoin Reserve (BCR) digital asset company has moved its primary business office from sunny Florida to the tropical Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to accompany the Wyith Institute™ Global Headquarters Office. Whether on the mainland, or in balmy San Juan, Bankcoin Reserve (BCR) continues to work in the area where it does the most good - humanitarian projects.Our great news about education is that the Wyith Institute™ has awarded its first "Col. Brenner Military Scholarship" to an extremely worthy student (who has also often worn the hat of a professor). He's a first rate Forensic Accountant in the United States Military. We are very proud to announce that Eduardo Cuyos currently with the US Army has won this academic scholarship.
He is currently assigned to the Madigan Army Medical Center in Lakewood, Washington. His Professional Summary notes begin with the clever line... "Figures don't lie, but liars figure". Cuyos is a Senior Auditor at Madigan. His work focuses on large scale forensic examinations. He became Chief of the IRAC Department in 2017 where he has continued to lead that department.
The Wyith Institute™ was offering online classes long before online learning became the standard as a result of the global pandemic. The Wyith Institute™ offers bachelors, masters, PhD's and MBAs payable with 7 different cryptocurrencies (and or cash) to pay for tuition. Incidentals are still only payable to the universities in cash.
The Wyith Institute™ accepts the following cryptocurrencies: BTC, BCR, BCR@W, ETH, ETH CLASSIC, LITECOIN, WAVES and or any combination of those coins as well as CASH to pay for any of our accredited degrees at
Wyith.edu, https://bankcoinreserve.llc/education/
All courses are accredited and the entire program can be learned online from the comfort of your home or office. Any student from any country may enroll and graduate with a legitimately accredited graduate degree from either the Wesleyan University in the Philippines or the Anglia Ruskin University from Cambridge, England since the Wyith Institute™ is an additional (more affordable) conduit for those universities.
In the area of AUTOMOBILES, our automobile program designed for the Indigenous unbanked of Mexico, the Gubernatura Nacional Indigena (GNI) recognize that allowing Canadians and Americans to drive or fly to Mexico City to buy a car there and drive it back home will financially, ultimately help the Indigenous Nation. Cars range in the price of $10,000 to $30,000 USD depending on the car's features. Three well established independent banks (Banorte, BBVA and BancoAzteca) manage all proceeds for that project. https://bankcoinreserve.llc/auto-initiative/
On the matter of HEALTH we have procured Health related exams. The exam and certification for the MRI and CT with the government of the Philippines and the defibrillator exam and certification for the United States Red Cross. https://bankcoinreserve.llc/health/
Our EXAM page features CT Scan - Exam and Certification for Diagnostic Radiologists, Registered Nurses, Physicians and Surgeons.- Required in order to obtain a License to Practice Medicine. Certification obtained at our online school https://www.wyith.edu/exam.htm
Our EXAM page also features MRI - Exam and Certification for Diagnostic Radiologists, Registered Nurses, Physicians and Surgeons.- Required in order to obtain License to Practice Medicine.. Certification obtained at our online school https://Wyith.edu is applicable nationwide throughout the Philippines. https://www.wyith.edu/exam.htm
On the matter of HOUSING, we have set the first cornerstone and began construction of the MAMA CASAS for homeless women and children to learn how to earn a living, learn technology, learn to accommodate and incorporate into society along with maintaining their cultural uniqueness. https://bankcoinreserve.llc/housing/
We are the only cryptocurrency in the world with nine (9) active PATENTS. The most important of which is our SHARIA COMPLIANCE PATENT. https://bankcoinreserve.llc/patents/
BankcoinReserve has never had a MAC os cryptocurrency wallet until now. We have asked the EVALOW web development team to build one for BCR and they've built a state-of-the-art MAC wallet available as a pre-sale download at https://bankcoinreserve.myshopify.com/ View their company site to see the other magnificent products they offer. http://elevow.com/ is managed by its owners, Andres Valenzuela and Christian Santander.
We have taken this step to satisfy the MAC users that have been asking about having a MAC wallet for years. The wallet is not an obligatory purchase and is only meant for the MAC users among BCR holders. If you are a MAC user, sign up for your pre-sale purchase today. https://bankcoinreserve.myshopify.com/
Our corporate leadership professionals are a team consisting of 6 lawyers, 1 IRS Executive and 1 Military Executive plus two physicians along with a former Attorney General as Chief Adviser. https://bankcoinreserve.llc/team/
Bankcoin Reserve (BCR) like any digital asset may be used according to the laws and regulations in the country where the holder resides. Feel free to contact us via email if you would like to discuss ways in which you can participate with BCR.
Ruthie DiTucci
Bankcoin Reserve LLC
+1 321-506-4054
Visit us on social media:
This video features our Wesleyan University Offering at the Wyith Institute™