Washington, D.C. 20549

Form 6-K
March 22, 2019
Commission File Number 001-15244
(Translation of registrant’s name into English)
Paradeplatz 8, CH 8001 Zurich, Switzerland
(Address of principal executive office)

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: March 22, 2019
/s/ Lara J. Warner
Lara J. Warner
Chief Risk Officer
/s/ David R. Mathers
David R. Mathers
Chief Financial Officer

For purposes of this report, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms “Credit Suisse,” the “Group,” “we,” “us” and “our” mean Credit Suisse Group AG and its consolidated subsidiaries. The business of Credit Suisse AG, the direct bank subsidiary of the Group, is substantially similar to the Group, and we use these terms to refer to both when the subject is the same or substantially similar. We use the term the “Bank” when we are only referring to Credit Suisse AG and its consolidated subsidiaries.
Abbreviations are explained in the List of abbreviations in the back of this report.
Publications referenced in this report, whether via website links or otherwise, are not incorporated into this report.
In various tables, use of “–” indicates not meaningful or not applicable.

Pillar 3 and regulatory disclosures 4Q18
Credit Suisse Group AG

Swiss capital requirements
Overview of risk management
Risk-weighted assets
Linkages between financial statements and regulatory exposures
Credit risk
Counterparty credit risk
Market risk
Interest rate risk in the banking book
Additional regulatory disclosures
List of abbreviations
Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information

This report as of December 31, 2018 for the Group is based on the revised Circular 2016/1 “Disclosure – banks” (FINMA circular) issued by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA (FINMA) on July 16, 2018. The revised FINMA circular includes the implementation of the revised Pillar 3 disclosure requirements issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in March 2017 and requires banks to gradually implement the new requirements from December 31, 2018 onwards.
This report is produced and published quarterly, in accordance with FINMA requirements. The reporting frequency for each disclosure requirement is either annual, semi-annual or quarterly. This document should be read in conjunction with the Pillar 3 and regulatory disclosures – Credit Suisse Group AG 2Q18 and 3Q18 and the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018, which includes important information on regulatory capital, risk management (specific references have been made herein to these documents) and regulatory developments and proposals.
The highest consolidated entity in the Group to which the FINMA circular applies is Credit Suisse Group.
These disclosures were verified and approved internally in line with our board-approved policy on disclosure controls and procedures. The level of internal control processes for these disclosures is similar to those applied to the Group’s quarterly and annual financial reports. This report has not been audited by the Group’s external auditors.
For certain prescribed table formats where line items have zero balances, such line items have not been presented.
Other regulatory disclosures
In connection with the implementation of Basel III, certain regulatory disclosures for the Group and certain of its subsidiaries are required. The Group’s Pillar 3 disclosure, regulatory disclosures, additional information on capital instruments, including the main features of regulatory capital instruments and total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC)-eligible instruments that form part of the eligible capital base and TLAC resources, G-SIB financial indicators, reconciliation requirements, leverage ratios and certain liquidity disclosures as well as regulatory disclosures for subsidiaries can be found on our website.
> Refer to credit-suisse.com/regulatorydisclosures for additional information.
Regulatory developments
In December 2018, BCBS published the finalized Pillar 3 disclosure requirements. These requirements, together with the updates published in January 2015 and March 2017, complete the Pillar 3 framework. The revised framework covers three elements. The first element, to be implemented by January 1, 2022, relates to revisions and additions arising from the finalization of the Basel III regulatory reforms in 2017. This element includes revised disclosure regarding credit risk, operational risk, the leverage ratio and credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk, risk-weighted assets (RWA) as calculated by the bank’s internal models as compared to the standardized approaches and an overview of risk management, RWA and key prudential metrics. As a second element, the updated framework sets out new disclosure requirements on asset encumbrance designed to provide a preliminary overview of the extent to which a bank’s assets remain available to creditors in the event of an insolvency. As a third element, the revised framework introduces new disclosure requirements relating to constraints on capital distributions, when required by national supervisors at the jurisdictional level. The second and third elements must be implemented by end-2020.
Location of disclosures
This report provides the Pillar 3 and regulatory disclosures required by the FINMA circular for the Group to the extent that these disclosures are not included in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 or in the regulatory disclosures on our website.
> Refer to “Annual Report” under credit-suisse.com/ar for disclosures included in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018.

Location of disclosures   
FINMA disclosure requirements Location Page number
Overview of risk management, key prudential metrics and risk-weighted assets         
Key prudential metrics [Table KM1] Qualitative disclosures: "Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet" 117 - 136
Risk management approach [Table OVA] "Risk management oversight"
"Risk appetite framework"
"Risk coverage and management"
143 - 147
147 - 150
150 - 180
Overview of risk-weighted assets [Table OV1] Qualitative disclosures: "Risk-weighted assets" 131 - 133
Linkages between financial statements and regulatory exposures         
Valuation process [Table LIA] "Fair valuations"
"Critical accounting estimates - Fair value"
"Note 35 - Financial instruments"
359 - 363
Composition of capital and TLAC         
Differences in basis of consolidation [Table CC2] List of significant subsidiaries and associated entities:
"Note 40 - Significant subsidiaries and equity method investments"
Changes in scope of consolidation:
"Note 3 - Business developments, significant shareholders and subsequent events"
400 - 402
Main features of regulatory capital instruments and TLAC-eligible instruments [Table CCA] Refer to "Capital instruments" under credit-suisse.com/regulatorydisclosures 1
Macroprudential supervisor measures         
Disclosure of G-SIBs indicators [Table GSIB1] Refer to "G-SIB Indicators" under credit-suisse.com/regulatorydisclosures 1
Credit risk         
General qualitative information [Table CRA] "Credit risk" 158 - 161
Additional disclosure related to credit quality
of assets [Table CRB a), b), c) and d)]
"Note 1 - Summary of significant accounting policies"
"Note 19 - Loans, allowance for loan losses and credit quality"
279 - 281
300 - 306
Qualitative disclosure requirements related to credit
risk mitigation techniques [Table CRC a)]: Netting
"Derivative instruments"
"Note 1 - Summary of significant accounting policies"
"Note 27 - Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities"
178 - 180
277 - 278
313 - 316
Counterparty credit risk         
Qualitative disclosure requirements [Table CCRA] Transaction rating, credit limits and provisioning: "Credit risk"
Effect of a credit rating downgrade: "Credit ratings"
158 - 161
120 - 121
Qualitative disclosure requirements [Table SECA] "Note 34 - Transfers of financial assets and variable interest entities" 349 - 358
Market risk         
Qualitative disclosure requirements [Table MRA] "Market risk"
"Market risk review"
"Note 1 - Summary of significant accounting policies"
"Note 32 - Derivatives and hedging activities"
155 - 158
170 - 173
277 - 278
339 - 342
Leverage metrics         
Qualitative disclosures [Table LR2] "Leverage metrics"
"Swiss metrics"
135 - 136
Liquidity coverage ratio         
Liquidity risk management [Table LIQA] "Liquidity and funding management" 114 - 121
Liquidity Coverage Ratio [Table LIQ1] Qualitative disclosures: "Liquidity metrics" 116 - 117
Corporate Governance         
Corporate Governance [Appendix 5] "Corporate Governance" 188 - 230
Remuneration policy [Table REMA] "Compensation" 232 - 263
Remuneration awarded during the financial
year [table REM1] / Special payments [table REM2] /
Deferred remuneration [table REM3]
Senior management: "Executive Board compensation for 2018"

Other material risk takers: "Group compensation"
241 - 250

255 - 263
Operational risk         
Qualitative disclosures [Table ORA] "Operational risk regulatory capital measurement" 165
Special duties of disclosure for systemically important financial institutions and stand-alone banks         
List and qualification of alleviations granted [Appendix 4] "FINMA Decrees" 124
The disclosure will be available by the end of April 2019.

Swiss capital requirements
FINMA requires the Group to fully comply with the special requirements for systemically important financial institutions operating internationally. The following tables show the Swiss capital and leverage requirements and metrics as required by FINMA.
> Refer to “Swiss requirements” (pages 123 to 126) and “Swiss metrics” (pages 135 to 136) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Capital management – Regulatory framework in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for further information on general Swiss requirements and the related metrics.
Swiss capital requirements and metrics
   Phase-in Look-through

end of 4Q18

CHF million
in %
of RWA

CHF million
in %
of RWA
Swiss risk-weighted assets                           
Swiss risk-weighted assets 285,193 285,193
Risk-based capital requirements (going-concern) based on Swiss capital ratios                           
Total 37,439 13.128 41,547 14.568
   of which CET1: minimum  15,400 5.4 12,834 4.5
   of which CET1: buffer  11,579 4.06 15,686 5.5
   of which CET1: countercyclical buffers  763 0.268 763 0.268
   of which additional tier 1: minimum  7,415 2.6 9,982 3.5
   of which additional tier 1: buffer  2,282 0.8 2,282 0.8
Swiss eligible capital (going-concern)                           
Swiss CET1 capital and additional tier 1 capital 1 49,443 17.337 45,935 16.107
   of which CET1 capital 2 35,719 12.525 35,719 12.525
   of which additional tier 1 high-trigger capital instruments  5,615 1.969 5,615 1.969
   of which additional tier 1 low-trigger capital instruments 3 4,601 1.613 4,601 1.613
   of which tier 2 low-trigger capital instruments 4 3,508 1.23
Risk-based requirement for additional total loss-absorbing capacity (gone-concern) based on Swiss capital ratios                           
Total according to size and market share (going-concern requirements) 25,382 5 8.9 5 40,783 14.3
Reductions due to rebates in accordance with article 133 of the CAO (4,061) (1.424) (6,525) (2.288)
Reductions due to the holding of additional instruments in the form of convertible capital in accordance with Art. 132 para 4 CAO 0 0.0 (1,754) (0.615)
Total, net 21,321 7.476 32,504 11.397
Eligible additional total loss-absorbing capacity (gone-concern)                           
Total 35,678 12.51 37,909 13.292
   of which tier 2 low-trigger capital instruments  509 0.178 4,017 1.409
   of which non-Basel III-compliant tier 2 capital  1,277 6 0.448
   of which bail-in instruments  33,892 11.884 33,892 11.884
Rounding differences may occur.
Excludes tier 1 capital which is used to fulfill gone-concern requirements.
Excludes CET1 capital which is used to fulfill gone-concern requirements.
If issued before July 1, 2016, such capital instruments qualify as additional tier 1 high-trigger capital instruments until their first call date according to the transitional Swiss "Too Big to Fail" rules.
If issued before July 1, 2016, such capital instruments qualify as additional tier 1 high-trigger capital instruments no later than December 31, 2019 according to the transitional Swiss "Too Big to Fail" rules.
Consists of a base requirement of 8.18%, or CHF 23,329 million, and a surcharge of 0.72%, or CHF 2,053 million.
Non-Basel III-compliant tier 1/2 capital instruments are subject to phase-out requirements. The amount includes the amortization component of CHF 586 million and the unamortized component of CHF 691 million.

Swiss leverage requirements and metrics
   Phase-in Look-through

end of 4Q18

CHF million
in %
of LRD

CHF million
in %
of LRD
Leverage exposure                           
Leverage ratio denominator 881,386 881,386
Unweighted capital requirements (going-concern) based on Swiss leverage ratio                           
Total 35,255 4.0 44,070 5.0
   of which CET1: minimum  16,746 1.9 13,221 1.5
   of which CET1: buffer  8,814 1.0 17,628 2.0
   of which additional tier 1: minimum  9,695 1.1 13,221 1.5
Swiss eligible capital (going-concern)                           
Swiss CET1 capital and additional tier 1 capital 1 49,443 5.610 45,935 5.212
   of which CET1 capital 2 35,719 4.053 35,719 4.053
   of which additional tier 1 high-trigger capital instruments  5,615 0.637 5,615 0.637
   of which additional tier 1 low-trigger capital instruments 3 4,601 0.522 4,601 0.522
   of which tier 2 low-trigger capital instruments 4 3,508 0.398
Unweighted requirements for additional total loss-absorbing capacity (gone-concern) based on Swiss leverage ratio                           
Total according to size and market share (going-concern requirements) 26,442 5 3.0 5 44,069 5.0
Reductions due to rebates in accordance with article 133 of the CAO (4,231) (0.48) (7,051) (0.8)
Reductions due to the holding of additional instruments in the form of convertible capital in accordance with Art. 132 para 4 CAO 0 0.0 (1,754) (0.199)
Total, net 22,211 2.52 35,264 4.001
Eligible additional total loss-absorbing capacity (gone-concern)                           
Total 35,678 4.048 37,909 4.301
   of which tier 2 low-trigger capital instruments  509 0.058 4,017 0.456
   of which non-Basel III-compliant tier 2 capital  1,277 6 0.145
   of which bail-in instruments  33,892 3.845 33,892 3.845
Rounding differences may occur.
Excludes tier 1 capital which is used to fulfill gone-concern requirements.
Excludes CET1 capital which is used to fulfill gone-concern requirements.
If issued before July 1, 2016, such capital instruments qualify as additional tier 1 high-trigger capital instruments until their first call date according to the transitional Swiss "Too Big to Fail" rules.
If issued before July 1, 2016, such capital instruments qualify as additional tier 1 high-trigger capital instruments no later than December 31, 2019 according to the transitional Swiss "Too Big to Fail" rules.
Consists of a base requirement of 2.75%, or CHF 24,238 million, and a surcharge of 0.25%, or CHF 2,204 million.
Non-Basel III-compliant tier 1/2 capital instruments are subject to phase-out requirements. The amount includes the amortization component of CHF 586 million and the unamortized component of CHF 691 million.

Overview of risk management
Fundamental to our business is the prudent taking of risk in line with our strategic priorities. The primary objectives of risk management are to protect our financial strength and reputation, while ensuring that capital is well deployed to support business activities. Our risk management framework is based on transparency, management accountability and independent oversight. Risk management is an integral part of our business planning process with strong involvement of senior management and the Board of Directors. Risk measurement models are reviewed by the Model Risk Management team, an independent validation function, and regularly presented to and approved by the relevant oversight committee.
> Refer to “Risk management oversight” (pages 143 to 147), “Risk appetite framework” (pages 147 to 150) and “Risk coverage and management” (pages 150 to 180) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for information on risk management oversight including risk culture, risk governance, risk organization, risk types, risk appetite, risk limits, stress testing and strategies/processes to manage, hedge and mitigate risks.
Risk reporting
Risk reporting is performed regularly and there are numerous internal control procedures in place, in particular the standard operating procedures, risk and control assessment and independent report review. These ensure the reporting and measurement systems are up to date and are working as intended. They cover: validation and authorization of risk measurement data, status summary reports, data reconciliation, independent checks/validation and error reports to capture any failings. Senior management and the Board of Directors are informed about key risk metrics, including Value-at-Risk (VaR), Economic Risk Capital (ERC), key risks and top exposures with the monthly Group Risk Report.
Key risks
The Group is exposed to several key banking risks such as:
Credit risk (refer to section “Credit risk” on pages 12 to 43);
Counterparty credit risk (refer to section “Counterparty credit risk” on pages 44 to 53);
Securitization risk (refer to section “Securitization risk” on pages 54 to 59);
Market risk (refer to section “Market risk” on pages 60 to 63);
Interest rate risk in the banking book (refer to section “Interest rate risk in the banking book” on pages 64 to 65); and
Operational risk.
> Refer to “Operational risk regulatory capital measurement” (page 165) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management – Risk coverage and management in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for information on operational risk.
The Basel framework describes a range of options for determining the capital requirements in order to provide banks and supervisors the ability to select approaches that are most appropriate for their operations and their financial market infrastructure. In general, Credit Suisse has adopted the most advanced approaches, which align with the way risk is internally managed and provide the greatest risk sensitivity.

Risk-weighted assets
With the adoption of the revised FINMA circular RWA presented in this report, including prior period comparisons, are based on the Swiss capital requirements.
> Refer to “Swiss requirements” (pages 123 to 126) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Capital management – Regulatory framework in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for further information on Swiss capital requirements.
The following table provides an overview of total Swiss RWA forming the denominator of the risk-based capital requirements. Further breakdowns of RWA are presented in subsequent parts of this report.
RWA increased slightly to CHF 285.2 billion as of the end of 4Q18 compared to CHF 277.2 billion as of the end of 3Q18, mainly resulting from increases relating to movements in risk levels in credit risk, model and parameter updates in market risk and credit risk and methodology and policy changes in credit risk. These increases were partially offset by decreases relating to movements in risk levels in market risk and operational risk.
RWA flow statements for credit risk, counterparty credit risk and market risk are presented in subsequent parts of this report.
> Refer to “Risk-weighted assets” (pages 131 to 133) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Capital management in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for further information on risk-weighted assets movements in 2018.
OV1 – Overview of Swiss risk-weighted assets and capital requirements 
Risk-weighted assets
end of 4Q18 3Q18 4Q17 4Q18
CHF million   
Credit risk (excluding counterparty credit risk) 139,867 132,489 121,832 11,189
   of which standardized approach (SA)  13,190 13,519 10,511 1,055
   of which supervisory slotting approach  2,403 2,349 2,187 192
   of which internal rating-based (IRB) approach 2 124,274 116,621 109,134 9,942
Counterparty credit risk 17,613 18,472 19,117 1,409
   of which standardized approach for counterparty credit risk (SA-CCR) 3 2,469 2,533 2,390 198
   of which internal model method (IMM) 4 15,144 15,939 16,727 1,211
Credit valuation adjustments (CVA) 5,743 5,029 5,548 460
Equity positions in the banking book under the simple risk weight approach 2 8,378 8,022 8,712 670
Settlement risk 259 242 150 21
Securitization exposures in the banking book 12,541 11,951 10,731 5 1,003
   of which securitization internal ratings-based approach (SEC-IRBA)  6,915 6,664 553
   of which securitization external ratings-based approach (SEC-ERBA), including internal assessment approach (IAA)  1,727 1,752 138
   of which securitization standardized approach (SEC-SA)  3,899 3,535 312
Market risk 18,643 17,878 21,290 1,491
   of which standardized approach (SA)  2,393 2,345 3,765 191
   of which internal model approach (IMA)  16,250 15,533 17,525 1,300
Operational risk 71,040 72,012 75,013 5,683
   of which advanced measurement approach (AMA)  71,040 72,012 75,013 5,683
Amounts below the thresholds for deduction (subject to 250% risk weight) 11,109 11,101 11,043 889
Floor adjustment 6 0 0 0 0
Total  285,193 277,196 273,436 22,815
Calculated as 8% of risk-weighted assets based on total capital minimum requirements excluding capital conservation buffer and G-SIB buffer requirements.
As of the end of 4Q18, a RWA scaling factor of 1.06 under the IRB approach has been applied to some additional portfolios. Prior period numbers have been restated to conform to the current presentation.
Calculated under the current exposure method.
Includes RWA relating to central counterparties.
In January 2018, a new securitization framework was implemented and has been phased in over 2018. The 4Q17 number was calculated in accordance with the previous methodology.
Credit Suisse is not subject to a floor adjustment because current capital requirements and deductions exceed 80% of those under Basel I.

Linkages between financial statements and regulatory exposures
This section shows the various sources of differences between the carrying values presented in the Group’s financial statements prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the US (US GAAP) and the exposure amounts used for regulatory purposes. The identification, classification and presentation of these sources of differences requires a significant amount of management judgement and is based on the information available at the time. As such, reclassifications have been made compared to the prior year. Management believes that the estimates and assumptions used in the preparation of these disclosures are prudent, reasonable and consistently applied.
The following table shows the differences between the scope of accounting consolidation and the scope of regulatory consolidation, broken down by how the amounts reported in the Group’s financial statements correspond to regulatory risk categories.
LI1 - Differences between accounting and regulatory scopes of consolidation and mapping of financial statements with regulatory risk categories
   Carrying values Carrying values of items subject to:

end of 4Q18


scope of




Not subject
to capital
ments or
subject to
from capital
Assets (CHF million)   
Cash and due from banks 100,047 99,827 98,057 263 328 0 1,179
Interest-bearing deposits with banks 1,142 1,461 1,139 0 0 0 322
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 117,095 117,095 0 115,534 0 88,913 0
Securities received as collateral, at fair value 41,696 41,696 0 41,696 0 0 0
Trading assets, at fair value 1 132,203 126,936 9,337 18,943 1,154 122,859 1,644
Investment securities 2,911 1,479 1,471 0 8 0 0
Other investments 4,890 4,971 2,046 0 1,212 414 1,299
Net loans 287,581 288,215 268,940 0 18,039 1,291 0
Premises and equipment 4,838 4,904 4,904 0 0 0 0
Goodwill 4,766 4,770 0 0 0 0 4,770
Other intangible assets 219 219 25 0 0 0 194
Brokerage receivables 38,907 38,907 2,041 28,976 0 18,234 7,890
Other assets 32,621 31,843 11,991 8,200 1,197 3,781 6,674
Total assets  768,916 762,323 399,951 213,612 21,938 235,492 23,972
Liabilities (CHF million)   
Due to banks 15,220 16,032 0 0 0 0 16,032
Customer deposits 363,925 363,828 0 0 0 994 362,834
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions 24,623 30,277 0 24,546 0 17,519 5,731
Obligation to return securities received as collateral, at fair value 41,696 41,696 0 41,696 0 0 0
Trading liabilities, at fair value 1 42,169 42,212 0 15,603 0 42,212 19,098
Short-term borrowings 21,926 16,536 0 0 0 16,437 99
Long-term debt 154,308 152,058 0 0 0 94,183 57,875
Brokerage payables 30,923 30,923 0 22,660 0 21,879 8,263
Other liabilities 30,107 24,635 0 7,498 0 514 17,137
Total liabilities  724,897 718,197 0 112,003 0 193,738 487,069
There are items in the table which attract capital charges according to more than one risk category framework. As an example, derivatives assets/liabilities held in the regulatory trading book are shown in the column about market risk and in the column about counterparty credit risk.

LI1 - Differences between accounting and regulatory scopes of consolidation and mapping of financial statements with regulatory risk categories (continued)
   Carrying values Carrying values of items subject to:

end of 4Q17


scope of




Not subject
to capital
ments or
subject to
from capital
Assets (CHF million)   
Cash and due from banks 109,815 109,457 107,477 239 0 0 1,768
Interest-bearing deposits with banks 726 1,146 723 0 0 0 423
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 115,346 108,325 0 108,325 0 0 0
Securities received as collateral, at fair value 38,074 38,074 0 38,008 0 0 66
Trading assets, at fair value 1 156,334 150,812 9,139 19,327 1,127 139,150 290
Investment securities 2,191 1,810 1,766 0 19 0 25
Other investments 5,964 5,799 3,160 105 441 867 1,226
Net loans 279,149 279,859 258,135 0 20,508 1,391 0
Premises and equipment 4,686 4,752 4,752 0 0 0 0
Goodwill 4,742 4,747 0 0 0 0 4,747
Other intangible assets 223 223 1 0 0 0 222
Brokerage receivables 46,968 46,968 2,686 28,546 0 29,869 12,911
Other assets 32,071 31,167 10,204 6,137 837 11,007 8,642
Total assets  796,289 783,139 398,043 200,687 22,932 182,284 30,320
Liabilities (CHF million)   
Due to banks 15,413 16,004 0 0 0 0 16,004
Customer deposits 361,162 361,255 0 0 0 0 361,255
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions 26,496 26,496 0 26,554 0 0 0
Obligation to return securities received as collateral, at fair value 38,074 38,074 0 38,008 0 0 66
Trading liabilities, at fair value 1 39,119 39,161 0 12,568 0 39,161 0
Short-term borrowings 25,889 19,293 0 0 0 11,010 8,283
Long-term debt 173,032 171,989 0 0 0 51,464 120,525
Brokerage payables 43,303 43,303 0 26,728 0 0 16,575
Other liabilities 31,612 25,451 412 8,670 0 0 16,369
Total liabilities  754,100 741,026 412 112,528 0 101,635 539,077
There are items in the table which attract capital charges according to more than one risk category framework. As an example, derivatives assets/liabilities held in the regulatory trading book are shown in the column about market risk and in the column about counterparty credit risk.
For financial reporting purposes, our consolidation principles comply with US GAAP. For capital adequacy reporting purposes, however, entities that are not active in banking and finance are not subject to consolidation (i.e. insurance, commercial and certain real estate companies). Also, FINMA does not require consolidating private equity and other fund type vehicles for capital adequacy reporting. Further differences in consolidation principles between US GAAP and capital adequacy reporting relate to special purpose entities (SPEs) that are consolidated under a control-based approach for US GAAP but are assessed under a risk-based approach for capital adequacy reporting. In addition, FINMA requires us to consolidate companies which form an economic unit with Credit Suisse or if Credit Suisse is obliged to provide compulsory financial support to a company. The investments into such entities, which are not material to the Group, are treated in accordance with the regulatory rules and are either subject to a risk-weighted capital requirement or a deduction from regulatory capital.
All significant equity method investments represent investments in the capital of banking, financial and insurance (BFI) entities and are subject to a threshold calculation in accordance with the Basel framework and the Swiss Capital Adequacy Ordinance.
> Refer to “Note 40 – Significant subsidiaries and equity method investments” (pages 400 to 402) in VI – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for a list of significant subsidiaries and associated entities.

In addition to the differences between accounting and regulatory scopes of consolidation as shown in table LI1 there are further main sources of differences between the financial statements’ carrying value amounts and the exposure amounts used for regulatory purposes.
LI2 - Main sources of differences between regulatory exposure amounts and carrying values in financial statements
   Items subject to:

end of



4Q18 (CHF million)   
Asset carrying value amount under regulatory scope of consolidation 399,951 213,612 21,938 235,492
Liabilities carrying value amount under regulatory scope of consolidation 0 112,003 0 193,738
Total net amount under regulatory scope of consolidation 399,951 101,609 21,938 41,754
Off-balance sheet amounts 67,244 0 29,130 0
Differences due to consideration of provisions (69) 0 0 0
Differences due to application of potential future exposures (SA-CCR) 0 3,298 0 0
Derivative transactions - differences due to application of internal model method (IMM) 0 (22,444) 0 0
Other differences not classified above (809) 65 (2,902) (39,361)
Exposure amounts considered for regulatory purposes  466,317 82,528 48,166 2,393
4Q17 (CHF million)   
Asset carrying value amount under regulatory scope of consolidation 398,043 200,687 22,932 182,284
Liabilities carrying value amount under regulatory scope of consolidation 412 112,528 0 101,635
Total net amount under regulatory scope of consolidation 397,631 88,159 22,932 80,649
Off-balance sheet amounts 64,143 0 20,158 0
Differences due to application of potential future exposures (SA-CCR) 0 2,529 0 0
Derivative transactions - differences due to application of internal model method (IMM) 0 13,552 0 0
SFT - differences due to application of internal model method (IMM) 0 (10,852) 0 0
Other differences not classified above 5,232 0 (1,925) (76,884)
Exposure amounts considered for regulatory purposes  467,006 93,388 41,165 3,765
> Refer to “Comparison of the standardized and internal model approaches” (pages 19 to 23) in Credit risk – Credit risk under the standardized approach for further information on the origins of differences between carrying values and amounts considered for regulatory purposes shown in the table above.

Valuation process
The Basel capital adequacy framework and the Swiss regulation provide guidance for systems and controls, valuation methodologies and valuation adjustments and reserves to provide prudent and reliable valuation estimates.
Financial instruments in the trading book are carried at fair value. The fair value of the majority of these financial instruments is marked to market based on quoted prices in active markets or observable inputs. Additionally, the Group holds financial instruments which are marked to models where the determination of fair values requires subjective assessment and varying degrees of judgment depending on liquidity, concentration, pricing assumptions and the risks affecting the specific instrument.
Control processes are applied to ensure that the reported fair values of the financial instruments, including those derived from pricing models, are appropriate and determined on a reasonable basis. These control processes include approval of new instruments, timely review of profit and loss, risk monitoring, price verification procedures and validation of models used to estimate the fair value. These functions are managed by senior management and personnel with relevant expertise, independent of the trading and investment functions.
In particular, the price verification function is performed by Product Control, independent from the trading and investment functions, reporting directly to the Chief Financial Officer, a member of the Executive Board.
The valuation process is governed by separate policies and procedures. To arrive at fair values, the following type of valuation adjustments are typically considered and regularly assessed for appropriateness: model, parameter, credit and exit-risk-related adjustments.
Management believes it complies with the relevant valuation guidance and that the estimates and assumptions used in valuation of financial instruments are prudent, reasonable and consistently applied.
> Refer to “Fair valuations” (page 70) in II – Operating and financial review – Credit Suisse – Other information, to “Fair value” (page 107) in II – Operating and financial review – Critical accounting estimates and to “Note 35 – Financial instruments” (pages 359 to 363) in VI – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for further information on fair value.

Credit risk
This section covers credit risk as defined by the Basel framework. Counterparty credit risk, including those that are in the banking book for regulatory purposes, and all positions subject to the securitization framework are presented in separate sections.
> Refer to “Counterparty credit risk” (pages 44 to 53) for further information on the capital requirements relating to counterparty credit risk.
> Refer to “Securitization” (pages 54 to 59) for further information on the securitization framework.
The Basel framework permits banks to choose between two broad methodologies in calculating their capital requirements for credit risk: the standardized approach or the internal ratings-based (IRB) approach. Off-balance-sheet items are converted into credit exposure equivalents through the use of credit conversion factors (CCF).
The reported credit risk arises from the execution of the groups business strategy through the divisions, and is predominantly driven by cash and balances with central banks, loans and commitments provided to corporate and institutional clients, and loans to private clients including residential mortgages and lending against financial collateral.
Risk management objectives and policies for credit risk
> Refer to “Credit risk” (pages 158 to 161) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management – Risk coverage and management in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for information on risk management objectives and policies for credit risk, including our credit risk profile, the setting of credit risk limits, the structure and organization of credit risk management.
Credit risk reporting
Credit risk is subject to daily monitoring and reporting, and is governed by internal policies & procedures and a framework of limits and controls. The groups credit risk exposure is subject to formal monthly reporting through the Group Risk Report which provides summary information in relation to the credit risk portfolio composition, rating profile, and the largest single name loans and commitments. The Group Risk Report also provides qualitative commentary on key credit risk matters and developments, and is discussed at Board of Directors Risk Committee and distributed to the Board of Directors and Executive Board members.
Credit quality of assets
The amounts shown in the following tables are US GAAP carrying values according to the regulatory scope of consolidation that are subject to the credit risk framework.
The following tables present a breakdown of exposures by geographical areas, industry and residual maturity.
CRB - Geographic concentration of gross credit exposures

end of




4Q18 (CHF million)   
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 193,418 61,706 41,011 97,926 394,061
Guarantees and commitments 81,016 70,178 23,779 95,100 270,073
Sub-total  274,434 131,884 64,790 193,026 664,134
Non-counterparty related risks 5,247
Total  669,381
4Q17 (CHF million)   
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 199,628 56,732 40,841 96,626 393,827
Guarantees and commitments 76,171 68,824 21,295 98,181 264,471
Sub-total  275,799 125,556 62,136 194,807 658,298
Non-counterparty related risks 5,273
Total  663,571
The geographic distribution is based on the country of incorporation or the nationality of the counterparty, shown pre-substitution.

CRB - Industry concentration of gross credit exposures

end of



4Q18 (CHF million)   
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 13,822 137,841 143,625 98,773 394,061
Guarantees and commitments 5,268 194,060 66,419 4,326 270,073
Sub-total  19,090 331,901 210,044 103,099 664,134
Non-counterparty related risks 5,247
Total  669,381
4Q17 (CHF million)   
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 10,133 130,877 141,236 111,581 393,827
Guarantees and commitments 10,058 184,385 65,853 4,175 264,471
Sub-total  20,191 315,262 207,089 115,756 658,298
Non-counterparty related risks 5,273
Total  663,571
Exposures are shown pre-substitution.
CRB - Remaining contractual maturity of gross credit exposures

end of
1 year
1 within
1-5 years


4Q18 (CHF million)   
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 168,266 174,337 51,458 394,061
Guarantees and commitments 198,280 64,387 7,406 270,073
Sub-total  366,546 238,724 58,864 664,134
Non-counterparty related risks 5,247
Total  669,381
4Q17 (CHF million)   
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 175,155 168,315 50,357 393,827
Guarantees and commitments 188,490 66,979 9,002 264,471
Sub-total  363,645 235,294 59,359 658,298
Non-counterparty related risks 5,273
Total  663,571
Includes positions without agreed residual contractual maturity.

The following tables show the amounts of impaired exposures and related allowances and write-offs, broken down by geographical areas and industry.
CRB - Geographic concentration of allowances, impaired loans and write-offs

end of


loans with


4Q18 (CHF million)   
Switzerland 475 180 655 1,046 710 1,756 221
EMEA 70 26 96 179 120 299 3
Americas 19 61 80 30 15 45 24
Asia Pacific 44 33 77 98 0 98 32
Total  608 300 908 1,353 845 2,198 280
4Q17 (CHF million)   
Switzerland 492 158 650 1,349 398 1,747 215
EMEA 62 16 78 165 43 208 0
Americas 48 39 87 75 2 77 95
Asia Pacific 52 16 68 87 0 87 1
Total  654 229 883 1,676 443 2,119 311
CRB - Industry concentration of allowances, impaired loans and write-offs

end of


loans with


4Q18 (CHF million)   
Financial institutions 50 29 79 86 0 86 0
Commercial 412 224 636 736 693 1,429 184
Consumer 146 47 193 531 152 683 96
Total  608 300 908 1,353 845 2,198 280
4Q17 (CHF million)   
Financial institutions 37 17 54 46 0 46 0
Commercial 438 166 604 1,084 348 1,432 244
Consumer 179 46 225 545 95 640 67
Public authorities 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Total  654 229 883 1,676 443 2,119 311

The following table provides a comprehensive picture of the credit quality of the Group’s on and off-balance sheet assets.
CR1 – Credit quality of assets

end of




4Q18 (CHF million)   
Loans 1 3,127 365,192 368,319 (863) 367,456
Debt securities 9 15,330 15,339 0 15,339
Off-balance sheet exposures 2 96 102,080 102,176 (160) 102,016
Total  3,232 482,602 485,834 (1,023) 484,811
2Q18 (CHF million)   
Loans 1 2,685 378,552 381,237 (911) 380,326
Debt securities 10 14,806 14,816 0 14,816
Off-balance sheet exposures 2 82 107,779 107,861 (142) 107,719
Total  2,777 501,137 503,914 (1,053) 502,861
Loans include cash and due from banks.
Revocable loan commitments which are excluded from the disclosed exposures can attract risk-weighted assets.
The definitions of “past due” and “impaired” are aligned between accounting and regulatory purposes. However, there are some exemptions for impaired positions related to troubled debt restructurings where the default definition is different for accounting and regulatory purposes.
> Refer to “Note 1 – Summary of significant accounting policies” (pages 279 to 281), “Note 19 – Loans, allowance for loan losses and credit quality” (pages 300 to 306) in VI – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for further information on the credit quality of loans including past due and impaired loans.
The following table presents the changes in the Group’s stock of defaulted loans, debt securities and off-balance sheet exposures, the flows between non-defaulted and defaulted exposure categories and reductions in the stock of defaulted exposures due to write-offs.
CR2 – Changes in stock of defaulted exposures
CHF million   
Defaulted exposures at beginning of period  2,777
Exposures that have defaulted since the last reporting period 904
Returned to non-defaulted status (523)
Amounts written-off (131)
Other changes 205
Defaulted exposures at end of period  3,232

The following table shows the aging analysis of accounting past-due exposures.
CRB - Aging analysis of accounting past-due exposures 
   Current Past due

end of

Up to
30 days
More than
90 days


4Q18 (CHF million)   
Financial institutions 12,871 107 19 3 45 174 13,045
Commercial 104,361 461 101 83 861 1,506 105,867
Consumer 153,107 528 65 45 519 1,157 154,264
Public authorities 1,173 13 0 0 0 13 1,186
Gross loans held at amortized cost  271,512 1,109 185 131 1,425 2,850 274,362
Gross loans held at fair value 14,873
Gross loans  289,235
4Q17 (CHF million)   
Financial institutions 8,935 335 2 2 44 383 9,318
Commercial 100,836 484 54 216 593 1,347 102,183
Consumer 151,699 504 79 58 469 1,110 152,809
Public authorities 1,198 1 0 0 1 2 1,200
Gross loans held at amortized cost  262,668 1,324 135 276 1,107 2,842 265,510
Gross loans held at fair value 15,307
Gross loans  280,817
Loans that are modified in a troubled debt restructuring are reported as restructured loans. Generally, restructured loans would have been considered impaired and an associated allowance for loan losses would have been established prior to the restructuring. As of December 31, 2018, CHF 189 million were reported as restructured loans.
> Refer to “Note 19 – Loans, allowance for loan losses and credit quality” (page 306) in VI – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for further information on restructured exposure.
Credit risk mitigation
Credit Suisse actively mitigates credit exposure through use of legal netting agreements, security over supporting financial and non-financial collateral or financial guarantees, and through the use of credit hedging techniques (primarily credit default swaps (CDS)). The recognition of credit risk mitigation (CRM) against exposures is governed by a robust set of policies and processes that ensure enforceability and effectiveness.
> Refer to “Derivative instruments” (pages 178 to 180) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management – Risk review and results and to “Note 1 – Summary of significant accounting policies” (pages 277 to 278) in VI – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for information on policies and procedures for on- and off-balance sheet netting.
> Refer to “Note 27 – Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities” (pages 313 to 316) in VI – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for further information on the offsetting of derivatives, reverse repurchase and repurchase agreements, and securities lending and borrowing transactions.
Collateral valuation and management
The policies and processes for collateral valuation and management are driven by:
a legal document framework that is bilaterally agreed with our clients;
a collateral management risk framework enforcing transparency through self-assessment and management reporting; and
any prevailing regulatory terms which must be complied with.
For exposures collateralized by financial collateral (e.g. marketable securities), collateral valuations are performed on a daily basis and any requirement for additional collateral (e.g. frequency and process for margin calls) is governed by the legal documentation. The market prices used for daily collateral valuation are a combination of internal pricing sources, as well as market prices sourced from trading platforms and external service providers where appropriate.
For exposures collateralized by non-financial collateral (e.g. real estate, ships, aircraft), valuations are performed at the time of credit approval and periodically thereafter depending on the type of collateral and the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio in accordance with documented internal policies and controls. Valuations are based on a combination of internal and external reference price sources.

Primary types of collateral
The primary types of collateral are described below.
Collateral securing foreign exchange transactions and over-the-counter (OTC) trading activities primarily includes:
Cash and US Treasury instruments; and
G-10 government securities.
Collateral securing loan transactions primarily includes:
Financial collateral pledged against loans collateralized by securities of clients of the private, corporate and institutional banking businesses (primarily cash and marketable securities);
Real estate property for mortgages, mainly residential, but also multi-family buildings, offices and commercial properties; and
Other types of lending collateral, such as accounts receivable, inventory, plant and equipment.
Concentrations within risk mitigation
Credit Suisse, primarily through its Global Markets division, is an active participant in the credit derivatives market and trades with a variety of market participants, principally commercial and investment banks. Credit derivatives are primarily used to mitigate investment grade credit exposures. Where required or practicable, these trades are cleared through central counterparties (CCP), reducing the potential risk against individual CRM providers.
As a result of a strong domestic franchise, Credit Suisse has a significant volume of residential mortgage lending in Switzerland and a resultant concentration of residential real estate collateral. Credit Suisse has clear underwriting standards with regard to mortgage lending and ensures that the composition of the real estate portfolio is subject to ongoing monitoring, periodic revaluation, and assessment of the geographical and borrower composition of the portfolio.
Credit Suisse provides loan facilities to private clients against financial collateral such as cash and marketable securities (e.g. equities, bonds, or funds). The financial collateral portfolio within risk mitigation is generally diversified and the portfolio is subject to ongoing monitoring and reporting to identify any concentrations. which may result in lower LTV ratios or other mitigating actions.
> Refer to “Credit risk review” (pages 178 to 180) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management – Risk review and results in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for further information on credit derivatives, including a breakdown by rating class.
CRM techniques – overview
The following table presents the extent of use of CRM techniques.
CR3 – CRM techniques
   Net exposures Exposures secured by

end of

or fully




4Q18 (CHF million)      
Loans 1 142,286 225,170 367,456 189,518 6,676 216
Debt securities 15,148 191 15,339 191 0 0
Total  157,434 225,361 382,795 189,709 6,676 216
   of which defaulted  1,154 1,544 2,698 1,137 162 0
2Q18 (CHF million)   
Loans 1 152,054 228,272 380,326 193,468 5,299 264
Debt securities 14,633 183 14,816 183 0 0
Total  166,687 228,455 395,142 193,651 5,299 264
   of which defaulted  1,028 1,163 2,191 876 122 0
Excludes non-financial collateral which is used to reduce the capital requirements for investment banking businesses, and therefore the net exposures are classified as unsecured.
Loans include cash and due from banks.

Credit risk under the standardized approach
Under the standardized approach, risk weights are determined either according to credit ratings provided by recognized external credit assessment institutions (ECAI) or, for unrated exposures, by using the applicable regulatory risk weights. Less than 10% of our credit risk exposures are determined using the standardized approach.
Credit risk exposure and CRM effects
The following table illustrates the effect of CRM (comprehensive and simple approach) on the standardized approach capital requirements’ calculations. RWA density provides a synthetic metric on riskiness of each portfolio.
CR4 – Credit risk exposure and CRM effects
   Exposures pre-CCF and CRM Exposures post-CCF and CRM

end of



4Q18 (CHF million, except where indicated)   
Sovereigns 14,083 0 14,083 14,083 0 14,083 301 2%
Institutions - Banks and securities dealer 453 526 979 453 263 716 143 20%
Corporates 714 0 714 714 0 714 639 89%
Retail 1,037 114 1,151 1,037 114 1,151 1,052 91%
Other exposures 12,290 2,125 14,415 12,269 2,121 14,390 11,055 77%
   of which non-counterparty related assets  5,247 0 5,247 5,247 0 5,247 5,247 100%
Total  28,577 2,765 31,342 28,556 2,498 31,054 13,190 42%
2Q18 (CHF million, except where indicated)   
Sovereigns 14,373 0 14,373 14,373 0 14,373 279 2%
Institutions - Banks and securities dealer 175 544 719 175 272 447 92 20%
Corporates 1,017 0 1,017 1,017 0 1,017 940 92%
Retail 329 79 408 329 79 408 355 87%
Other exposures 12,356 1,877 14,233 12,329 1,876 14,205 11,212 79%
   of which non-counterparty related assets  5,273 0 5,273 5,273 0 5,273 5,273 100%
Total  28,250 2,500 30,750 28,223 2,227 30,450 12,878 42%
Exposures by asset classes and risk weights
The following table presents the breakdown of credit exposures under the standardized approach by asset class and risk weight, which correspond to the riskiness attributed to the exposure according to the standardized approach.

CR5 – Exposures by asset classes and risk weights
   Risk weight

end of









and CRM
4Q18 (CHF million)   
Sovereigns 13,142 0 572 0 365 0 4 0 0 14,083
Institutions - Banks and securities dealer 0 0 716 0 0 0 0 0 0 716
Corporates 0 0 33 0 97 0 584 0 0 714
Retail 0 0 0 0 0 395 756 0 0 1,151
Other exposures 3,366 0 1 0 0 0 11,012 0 11 14,390
   of which non-counterparty related assets  0 0 0 0 0 0 5,247 0 0 5,247
Total  16,508 0 1,322 0 462 395 12,356 0 11 31,054
2Q18 (CHF million)   
Sovereigns 13,485 0 556 0 328 0 4 0 0 14,373
Institutions - Banks and securities dealer 0 0 444 0 0 0 3 0 0 447
Corporates 0 0 44 0 82 0 891 0 0 1,017
Retail 0 0 0 0 0 213 195 0 0 408
Other exposures 3,023 0 3 0 0 0 11,168 0 11 14,205
   of which non-counterparty related assets  0 0 0 0 0 0 5,273 0 0 5,273
Total  16,508 1,047 0 410 213 12,261 0 11 30,450
Comparison of the standardized and internal model approaches
We have regulatory approval to use a number of internal models for calculating our Pillar 1 capital charge for credit risk (default risk). These include the advanced-internal ratings-based (A-IRB) approach for risk weights, Internal Models Method (IMM) for derivatives credit exposure, and repo VaR for Securities Financing Transactions (SFT). These modelled based approaches are used for the vast majority of credit risk exposures, with the standardized approaches used for only a relatively small proportion of credit exposures.
Regulators and investors are increasingly interested in the differences between capital requirements under modelled and standardized approaches. This is due, in part, to ongoing and future regulatory changes by the BCBS, such as the new standardized approaches for counterparty credit risk (SA-CCR) and credit risk as well as the restrictions on the use of internal models for certain portfolios in 2022. As such, FINMA requires us to disclose further information on differences between credit risk RWA computed under internal modelled approaches, and current standardized approaches. FINMA also requires us to disclose the differences between the exposure at default based on internal modelled approaches and the exposure at default (EAD) used in the Leverage ratio.
Key methodological differences
The differences between credit risk RWA calculated under the internal modelled approaches and the standardized approaches are driven by the risk weights applied to counterparties and the calculations used for measuring EAD.
Risk weights: Under the A-IRB approach, the maturity of a transaction, and internal estimates of the probability of default (PD) and downturn loss given default (LGD) are used as inputs to the Basel risk-weight formula for calculating RWA. In the standardized approach, risk weights are less granular and are driven by ratings provided by ECAI.
EAD calculations: Under the IMM and repo VaR methods, counterparty exposure is computed using monte-carlo simulation models or VaR models. These models allow for the recognition of netting impacts at exposure and collateral levels for each counterparty portfolio. The standardized approach is based on market values at the balance sheet date plus conservative add-ons to account for potential market movements. This approach gives very limited recognition to netting benefits and portfolio effects.

The following table provides a summary of the key conceptual differences between the internal models approach and the current standardized approach.
Key differences between the standardized approach and the internal model approach
Standardized approach Internal model approach Key impact
EAD for
Current Exposure Method is simplistic
(market value and add-on):
BCBS to replace it with SA-CCR in 2020.
Internal Models Method (IMM)
allows Monte-Carlo simulation to
estimate exposure.
For large diversified derivatives portfolios,
standardized EAD is higher than model EAD.
No differentiation between margined and
unmargined transactions.
Ability to net and offset risk factors within the
portfolio (i.e. diversification).
Impact applies across all asset classes.
Differentiates add-ons by five exposure
types and three maturity buckets only.
Application of multiplier on IMM exposure

Limited ability to net.
Variability in holding period applied to collateralized
transactions, reflecting liquidity risks.

Reliance on ECAIs: where no rating is
available a 100% risk weight is applied (i.e. for
most small and medium size enterprises and funds).
Reliance on internal ratings where each
counterparty/transaction receives a rating.
Model approach produces lower RWA
for high quality short-term transactions.
Crude risk weight differentiation with 4 key weights:
20%, 50%, 100%, 150% (and 0% for AAA
sovereigns; 35%, 75% or 100% for mortgages;
75% or 100% for retail).
Granular risk sensitive risk weights differentiation
via individual PDs and LGDs.

Standardized approach produces lower RWA
for non-investment grade and long-term
No differentiation for transaction features.
LGD captures transaction quality features
incl. collateralization.
Impact relevant across all asset classes.
Application of a 1.06 scaling factor.
Limited recognition of risk mitigation.

Risk mitigation recognized via
risk sensitive LGD or EAD.
Standardized approach RWA
higher than model approach RWA
for most collaterals.
Restricted list of eligible collateral.
Wider variety of collateral types eligible.
Impact particularly relevant for lombard lending
and securities financing transactions.
Conservative and crude regulatory haircuts.

Repo VaR allows use of VaR models
to estimate exposure and collateral for
securities financing transactions.
Approach permits full diversification
and netting across all collateral types.

in risk
No differentiation for maturity of transactions,
except for interbank exposures in a coarse
No internal modelling of maturity.

Model approach produces lower RWA
for high quality short-term transactions.

Regulatory risk-weighted assets function
considers maturity: the longer the maturity
the higher the risk weight
(see chart "Risk weight by maturity").

The following chart shows standardized risk weights, and model based (A-IRB) risk weights for loans of varying maturity. The graphs are plotted for a AA-rated corporate senior unsecured loan with a LGD of 45% (consistent with Foundation-IRB, F-IRB), and a AA-rated corporate senior secured loan with a LGD of 36%. The graphs show that standardized risk weights are not sensitive to maturity, whereas A-IRB risk weights are sensitive to maturity. In particular, under A-IRB, lower maturity loans receive lower risk weights reflecting an increased likelihood of repayment for loans with a shorter maturity.

Key methodological differences between internally modelled EAD and EAD used in leverage ratio
The exposure measure used in the leverage ratio also differs from the exposure measure used in the internal modelled approach. The main methodological difference is that leverage ratio exposure estimates do not take into account physical or financial collateral, guarantees or other CRM techniques to reduce the credit risk. Leverage ratio exposures also do not fully reflect netting and portfolio diversification. As a result, leverage ratio exposures are typically larger than model based exposures.
The following table shows the internal model-based EAD, along with average risk weight, compared to an estimate of the exposure measure used in the leverage ratio calculation. Estimates are provided at Basel asset class level. As expected, leverage exposure measures exceed internal model-based EAD, with the largest differences for banks and corporates, where the impacts of netting, diversification, and CRM are largest.
Leverage exposure estimate
   Internal model approach

Basel asset class (CHF billion, except where indicated)   
Corporates 186 52% 333
Banks 31 27% 81
Sovereigns 87 4% 80
Retail 194 16% 192
The leverage exposure estimate excludes trading book inventory, as credit risk capital for this business is capitalized under the market risk capital requirement. In addition, the estimate does not include Multilateral Development Banks (MDB), public sector entities and non-credit exposures. Asset class leverage ratio based exposures and standard approach calculations are approximate and provided on a best efforts basis.
It should be noted that credit risk capital requirements based of the internal model based approach are not directly comparable to capital requirements under the leverage ratio. The reason for this is that the 3% leverage ratio capital requirement can be met with total tier 1 capital, including capital for market risk and operational risk.
Risk-weighted assets under the standardized and internal model approaches
Credit risk RWA computed under the standardized approach are higher than those based on the internal models for which we have received regulatory approval. Higher risk-weights under the standardized approach rules are a material driver of the higher RWA for all Basel asset classes. The standardized exposure calculations also lead to some higher RWA, with the corporate and bank asset classes being most significantly affected.
Corporate asset class
The table “Leverage ratio estimate” shows that the EAD for corporates computed under the internal model approach is CHF 186 billion. The EAD for corporates under the standardized approach is significantly higher. This difference is driven mainly by the standardized exposure calculations for OTC derivatives and secured financing transactions. For these products, exposures calculated under the standardized approach are higher than the model based exposures because the standardized approach does not fully recognize the benefits of netting, portfolio diversification and collateral. The exposure calculated under the leverage ratio is higher than the EAD computed using internal models. This is because CRM, netting and portfolio diversification are not reflected in the leverage ratio exposure calculation.
Another significant driver of the increase in credit risk RWA under the standardized approach is higher risk weights. The exposure weighted-average risk weight under the internal model approach is 52%. This is significantly lower than the risk weights assigned to corporates under the standardized approach.
The following graph shows the risk weights assigned to counterparties under the A-IRB approach and the standardized approach. For the IRB risk weight curve, an LGD value of 45% and a maturity adjustment of 2.5 years are chosen, as these are the Basel Foundation IRB parameters. For counterparties in the AAA to BB+ range (based on external ratings), higher risk weights (20%, 50% and 100%) are assigned under the standardized approach than under the A-IRB approach. For the corporate asset class, approximately three-quarters of the Group’s exposures are in this range (based on internal ratings), and this is a key driver for the higher RWA under the standardized approach. The different treatments of loan maturity in the model based approach and standardized approach are not a material cause of RWA differences.
The Group’s exposure weighted-average maturity of its corporate portfolio is lower than the foundation IRB value of 2.5 years, and lower maturities would result in a lower model-based risk weight curve than shown in the graph. In addition, the PD for each rating shown in the graph are consistent with the Group’s PD masterscale.

An additional driver of higher risk weights within the corporate asset class are counterparties without an external rating. Under the standardized approach, counterparties without an external rating receive a fixed risk weight of 100%. This applies to a large proportion of the Group’s exposures, among them non-banking financial institutions and specialized lending. This fixed standardized risk weight is typically higher than the model based risk weight with for example, the average model based risk weight of specialized lending being approximately 40%.
> Refer to “CR6 – Credit exposures by portfolio and PD range” (pages 28 to 35) for further information on EAD and risk weights for each credit rating for the corporate asset class.
Bank asset class
The table “Leverage ratio estimate” shows that the EAD for banks under the internal model approach is CHF 31 billion. The EAD for banks calculated under the standardized approach is significantly higher. This is driven predominantly by the exposure calculations for both OTC derivatives and secured financing transactions and, to a lesser extent, the exposure calculations for listed and centrally cleared derivatives. For these products, exposures calculated under the standardized approach are much higher than the model based exposures because the standardized approach does not fully recognize the benefits of netting, portfolio diversification and collateral. The exposures calculated under the leverage ratio are significantly higher than the EAD computed using internal models. This is because CRM, netting and portfolio diversification are not reflected in the leverage ratio exposure calculation.
In addition, there is a significant increase in credit risk RWA under the standardized approach due to higher credit risk-weights. The exposure weighted-average risk-weight under the internal model approach is 27%. This is significantly lower than the risk weights assigned to banks under the standardized approach where a significant amount of the Group’s exposures would attract a risk weight of 50%.
The following graph shows the risk weights assigned to counterparties under the A-IRB approach and the standardized approach. For the IRB risk weight curve, an LGD value of 45% and a maturity adjustment of 2.5 years are chosen, as these are the Basel Foundation IRB parameters. The graph shows that counterparties in the AAA to BBB+ range (based on external ratings) attract higher risk weights (20% and 50%) under the standardized approach than under the A-IRB approach. In excess of three-quarters of the Group’s exposures fall in this range (based on internal ratings) and this leads to higher RWA under the standardized approach for these counterparties. The different treatments of loan maturity in the model based approach and standardized approach are not a material cause of RWA differences.
> Refer to “CR6 – Credit exposures by portfolio and PD range” (pages 28 to 35) for further information on EAD and risk weights for each credit rating for the bank asset class.
The Group’s exposure weighted-average maturity of its bank portfolio is lower than the foundation IRB value of 2.5 years, and lower maturities would result in a lower model based risk weight curve than shown in the graph. In addition, the PD for each rating shown in the graph are consistent with the Group’s PD masterscale.
Sovereign asset class
The table “Leverage ratio estimate” shows that the EAD for sovereigns under the internal model approach is CHF 87 billion. This is comparable to the EAD calculated under the standardized approach and the leverage ratio exposure. This is because the majority of the sovereign exposure is in the form of uncollateralized loans, i.e. there are no material differences in the exposure calculation.
The impact of employing standardized credit risk weights to the sovereign portfolio is an overall increase in credit risk RWA. The exposure weighted-average risk weight under the internal model approach is less than 4%. This is lower than the risk weights assigned to counterparties under the standardized approach.
The following graph shows the risk weights assigned to counterparties under the A-IRB approach and the standardized approach. For the IRB risk weight curve, an LGD value of 45% and a maturity adjustment of 2.5 years are chosen, as these are the Basel Foundation IRB parameters. The graph shows that counterparties in the AAA to A range (based on external ratings) would attract lower risk weights (0% and 20%) under the standardized approach than under the A-IRB approach. The majority of the Group’s exposures have extremely low risk-weights under the A-IRB approach and would attract risk weights of 0% under the standardized approach. The remaining exposures would receive higher risk weights under the standardized approach (20%, 50% or 100%) than under the A-IRB approach. Overall, this would lead to higher RWA under the standardized approach. The different treatments of loan maturity in the model based approach and standardized approach are not a material cause of RWA differences.
> Refer to “CR6 – Credit exposures by portfolio and PD range” (pages 28 to 35) for further information on EAD and risk weights for each credit rating for the sovereign asset class.

The Group’s exposure weighted-average maturity of its sovereign portfolio is lower than the foundation IRB value of 2.5 years, and lower maturities would result in a lower model-based risk weight curve than shown in the following graph. In addition, the PD for each rating shown in the graph are consistent with the Group’s PD masterscale.
Retail asset class
The EAD of the retail asset class under the internal model approach is CHF 194 billion, which is comparable to the EAD calculated under the standardized approach and the leverage ratio. This is because the majority of retail exposure is on-balance sheet exposure.
The application of the standardized approach would lead to higher credit risk RWA. The exposure weighted-average risk weight is 16% using internal model approach. This is lower than the risk weights assigned to counterparties under the standardized approach. The maturity of the loan has no impact on the modelled risk weights in the retail asset class.
The retail portfolio consists mainly of residential mortgage loans, lombard lending and other retail exposures, and further analysis for each of these portfolios is provided below:
Residential mortgages: Under the standardized approach, fixed risk weights are applied depending on the LTV, i.e. risk weight of 100% for LTV > 80%, risk weight of 75% for 80% > LTV > 67% and risk weight of 35% for LTV < 67%. The internal model-based approach however takes into account borrowers’ ability to service debt more accurately, including mortgage affordability and calibration to large amounts of historic data. The Group’s residential mortgage portfolio is focused on the Swiss market and the Group has robust review processes over borrowers’ ability to repay. This results in the Group’s residential mortgage portfolio having a low average LTV and results in an average risk weight of 17% under the A-IRB approach.
Lombard lending: For lombard lending, the average risk weight using internal models is 12%. RWA under the standardized approach and the model-based approach are comparable for these exposures.
Other retail exposures: Other retail exposures are risk-weighted at 75% or 100% under the standardized approach. This yields higher RWA compared to the A-IRB approach where the average risk-weight is 39%.
Overall, the Group’s credit risk RWA would be significantly higher under the standardized approach than under the internal model based approach. For most Basel asset classes, this is due to standardized risk weights being much higher than the IRB risk weights for high quality investment grade lending, which is where the majority of the Group’s exposures are. For certain asset classes, standardized exposure calculations also lead to significantly higher RWA. This is where the standardized exposure methods give limited recognition to economic offsetting and diversification for derivatives and SFTs at a portfolio level.
The credit risk RWA under the standardized approaches described above is not reflective of the capital charges under the new standardized approach for credit risk on which the BCBS published new rules in December 2017. This new standardized approach for credit risk is more risk sensitive and employs a different approach for incorporating external ratings. In addition, there is a new standardized approach for counterparty credit risk (SA-CCR), which prescribes a standardized calculation of EAD for derivative transactions. SA-CCR, which is to be implemented by 2020, will more accurately recognize the risk mitigating effect of collateral and the benefits from legal and economic offsetting. These regulatory changes could potentially lead to very different results to the ones described above.
The credit risk RWA computed under the internal model-based approach provide a more risk-sensitive indication of the credit risk capital requirements and are more reflective of the economic risk of the Group. The use of models produces a strong link between capital requirements and business drivers, and promotes a proactive risk culture at the origination of a transaction and strong capital consciousness within the organization. A rigorous monitoring and control framework also ensures compliance with internal as well as regulatory standards.

Credit risk under internal risk-based approaches
Under the IRB approach, risk weights are determined by using internal risk parameters and applying an asset value correlation multiplier uplift where exposures are to financial institutions meeting regulatory defined criteria. We have received approval from FINMA to use, and have fully implemented, the A-IRB approach whereby we provide our own estimates for PD, LGD and EAD.
PD parameters capture the risk of a counterparty defaulting over a one-year time horizon. PD estimates are mainly derived from models tailored to the specific business of the respective obligor. The models are calibrated to the long run average of annual internal or external default rates where applicable. For portfolios with a small number of empirical defaults, low default portfolio techniques are used.
LGD parameters consider seniority, collateral, counterparty industry and in certain cases fair value markdowns. LGD estimates are mainly based on an empirical analysis of historical loss rates. To reflect time value of money, recovered amounts on defaulted obligations are discounted to the time of default and to account for potential adverse outcomes in a downturn environment, final parameters are chosen such as they reflect periods where economic downturns have been observed and/or where increased losses manifested. For portfolios with low amount of statistical values available conservative values are chosen based on proxy analysis and expert judgement. For much of the private, corporate and institutional banking businesses loan portfolio, the LGD is primarily dependent upon the type and amount of collateral pledged. The credit approval and collateral monitoring process are based on LTV limits. For mortgages (residential or commercial), recovery rates are differentiated by type of property.
EAD is either derived from balance sheet values or by using models. EAD for a non-defaulted facility is an estimate of the expected exposure upon default of the obligor. Estimates are derived based on a CCF approach using default-weighted averages of historical realized conversion factors on defaulted loans by facility type. Estimates are calibrated to capture negative operating environment effects. To comply with regulatory guidance in deriving individual observed CCF values as basis for the estimation are floored at zero, i.e. it is assumed that drawn exposure can never become lower in the run to default.
> Refer to “Credit risk” (pages 158 to 161) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management – Risk coverage and management in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2018 for further information on PD and LGD.
Risk weights are calculated using either the PD/LGD approach or the supervisory risk weights approach for certain types of specialized lending.
Reporting related to credit risk models
> Refer to “Model validation” (pages 25 to 26), “Use of internal ratings” (page 27) and “Credit Risk Review” (page 27) for further information on the scope and main content of the reporting related to credit risk models.
Rating models
The majority of the credit rating models used in Credit Suisse are developed internally by Credit Analytics, a specialized unit in Credit Risk Management. These models are independently validated by Model Risk Management team prior to use in the Basel III regulatory capital calculation, and thereafter on a regular basis. Credit Suisse also uses models purchased from recognized data and model providers (e.g. credit rating agencies). These models are owned by Credit Analytics and are validated internally and follow the same governance process as models developed internally.
All new or material changes to rating models are subject to a robust governance process. Post development and validation of a rating model or model change, the model is taken through a number of committees where model developers, validators and users of the models discuss the technical and regulatory aspects of the model. The relevant committees opine on the information provided and decide to either approve or reject the model or model change. The ultimate decision making committee is the Risk Processes & Standards Committee (RPSC). The responsible Executive Board Member for the RPSC is the Chief Risk Officer. The RPSC sub-group responsible for credit risk models is the Credit Methodology Steering Committee (CMSC). RPSC or CMSC also review and monitor the continued use of existing models on an annual basis.
The following table provides an overview of the main PD and LGD models used by Credit Suisse. It reflects the portfolio segmentation from a credit risk model point of view, showing the RWA, type and number of the most significant models, and the loss period available for model development by portfolio. As the table follows an internal risk segmentation and captures the most significant models only, these figures do not match regulatory asset class or other A-IRB based segmentation.
Some of the portfolios shown in the table sum up multiple rating models. The distinction criteria determining which model applies, differs from portfolio to portfolio. Corporates, banks and non-banking financial institutions are split by turnover and geography. For funds, the distinction criteria is the different form of funds e.g. mutual-, hedge-funds etc., whereas for income producing real estate (IPRE), it is corporate vs. private counterparties. The distinction criteria for Sovereign is global governments vs. Swiss Canton vs. local governments (e.g. cities).

CRE - Main PD and LGD models used by Credit Suisse
   PD    LGD   


Asset class
assets (in
CHF billion)

of years
loss data

No. of

Model comment

No. of

Model comment
Statistical and hybrid models using e.g. industry and counterparty segmentation, collateral types and amounts, seniority and other transaction specific factors with granularity enhancements by public research and expert judgement
Corporates Corporates, retail 46 >15 years 2 Statistical scorecards using e.g. balance sheet, profit & loss data and qualitative factors 3
Banks and other financial institutions Banks, corporates 9 >30 years 5 Statistical scorecard and constrained expert judgement using e.g. balance sheet, profit & loss data and qualitative factors
Funds Corporates


>10 years


Statistical scorecards using e.g. net
asset value, volatility of returns and
qualitative factors

Statistical model using e.g. counterparty segmentation, collateral types and amounts
Residential mortgages Retail 11 >10 years 1 Statistical scorecard using e.g. LTV, affordability, assets and qualitative factors 1
Income producing real estate Specialized lending, retail 18 >10 years 2 Statistical scorecards using e.g. LTV, debt service coverage and qualitative factors
specialized lending

>10 years


Statistical scorecard using e.g.
volume, liquidity and duration of
financed commodity transactions

Sovereign Sovereign,


>10 years


Statistical scorecards
using e.g. GDP, financials and
qualitative factors

Statistical models using e.g. industry
and counterparty segmentation,
seniority and other transaction
specific factors


>10 years


Simulation model using e.g. freight
rates, time charter agreements,
operational expenses and debt
service coverage

Simulation model using e.g. freight
rates, time charter agreements,
operational expenses and debt
service coverage
Borrowing &


>10 years


Merton type model using e.g.
LTV, collateral volatility and
counterparty attributes

Merton type model using e.g.
LTV, collateral volatility and
counterparty attributes
Model development
The techniques to develop models are carefully selected by Credit Analytics to meet industry standards in the banking industry as well as regulatory requirements. The models are developed to exhibit “through-the-cycle” characteristics, reflecting a PD in a 12 month period across the credit cycle.
All models have clearly defined model owners who have primary responsibility for development, enhancement, review, maintenance and documentation. The models have to pass statistical performance tests, where feasible, followed by usability tests by designated Credit Risk Management experts to proceed to formal approval and implementation. The development process of a new model is thoroughly documented and foresees a separate schedule for model updates.
The level of calibration of the models is based on a range of inputs, including internal and external benchmarks where available. Additionally, the calibration process ensures that the estimated calibration level accounts for variations of default rates through the economic cycle and that the underlying data contains a representative mix of economic states. Conservatism is incorporated in the model development process to compensate for any known or suspected limitations and uncertainties.
Model validation
Model validation for risk capital models is performed by the Model Risk Management function. Model governance is subject to clear and objective internal standards as outlined in the Model Risk Management policy and the Model Validation Policy. The governance framework ensures a consistent and meaningful approach for the validation of models in scope across the bank. All models whose outputs fall into the scope of the Basel internal model framework are subject to full independent validation. Externally developed models are subject to the same governance and validation standards as internal models.
The governance process requires each in scope model to be validated and approved before go-live; the same process is followed for material changes to an existing model. Existing models are subject to an ongoing governance process which requires each model to be periodically validated and the performance to be monitored annually. The validation process is a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative assessment with goals that include:
to confirm that the model remains conceptually sound and the model design is suitable for its intended purpose;
to verify that the assumptions are still valid and weaknesses and limitations are known and mitigated;
to determine that the model outputs are accurate compared to realized outcome;

to establish whether the model is accepted by the users and used as intended with appropriate data governance;
to check whether a model is implemented correctly;
to ensure that the model is fully transparent and sufficiently documented.
To meet these goals, models are validated against a series of quantitative and qualitative criteria. Quantitative analyses may include a review of model performance (comparison of model output against realized outcome), calibration accuracy against the longest time series available, assessment of a model’s ability to rank order risk and performance against available benchmarks. Qualitative assessment typically includes a review of the appropriateness of the key model assumptions, the identification of the model limitations and their mitigation, and ensuring appropriate model use. The modeling approach is re-assessed in light of developments in the academic literature and industry practice.
Results and conclusions are presented to senior risk management including the RPSC; shortcomings and required improvements identified during validation must be remediated within an agreed deadline. The Model Risk Management function is independent of model developers and users and has the final say on the content of each validation report.
Model governance at Credit Suisse follows the “three lines of defense” principle. Model developers and owners provide the first line of defense, Model Risk Management the second line, and Internal Audit the third line of defense. Organization independence ensures that these functions are able to provide appropriate oversight. For Credit Risk models, the development and validation functions are independent up to the Chief Risk Officer (Executive Board level). Internal Audit has fully independent reporting into the Chair of the Board of Directors Audit Committee.
Stress testing of parameters
The potential biases in PD estimates in unusual market conditions are accounted for by the use of long run average estimates. Credit Suisse additionally uses stress-testing when back-testing PD models. When predefined thresholds are breached during back-testing, a review of the calibration level is undertaken. For LGD/CCF calibration stress testing is applied in defining Downturn LGD/CCF values, reflecting potentially increased losses during stressed periods.
Descriptions of the rating processes
All counterparties that Credit Suisse is exposed to are assigned an internal credit rating. The rating is assigned at the time of initial credit approval and subsequently reviewed and updated regularly. Where available, Credit Risk Management employs rating models relative to the counterparty type that incorporate qualitative and quantitative factors. Expert judgement may further be applied through a well governed model override process in the assignment of a credit rating or PD, which measures the counterparty’s risk of default over a one-year period.
Corporates (excluding corporates managed on the Swiss platform), banks and sovereigns (primarily in the investment banking businesses)
Where used, rating models are an integral part of the rating process. To ensure all relevant information is considered when rating a counterparty, experienced credit officers complement the outputs from the models with other relevant information not otherwise captured via a robust model-override framework. Other relevant information may include, but is not limited to peer analysis, industry comparisons, external ratings and research and the judgment of credit experts. This analysis emphasizes a forward looking approach, concentrating on economic trends and financial fundamentals. Where rating models are not used the assignment of credit ratings is based on a well-established expert judgment based process which captures key factors specific to the type of counterparty.
For structured and asset finance deals, the approach is more quantitative. The focus is on the performance of the underlying assets, which represent the collateral of the deal. The ultimate rating is dependent upon the expected performance of the underlying assets and the level of credit enhancement of the specific transaction. Additionally, a review of the originator and/or servicer is performed. External ratings and research (rating agency and/or fixed income and equity), where available, are incorporated into the rating justification, as is any available market information (e.g., bond spreads, equity performance).
Transaction ratings are based on the analysis and evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative factors. The specific factors analyzed include seniority, industry and collateral.
Corporates managed on the Swiss platform, mortgages and other retail (primarily in the private, corporate and institutional banking businesses)
For corporates managed on the Swiss platform and mortgage lending, the PD is calculated directly by proprietary statistical rating models, which are based on internally compiled data comprising both quantitative factors (primarily LTV ratio and the borrower’s income level for mortgage lending and balance sheet information for corporates) and qualitative factors (e.g., credit histories from credit reporting bureaus, management quality). In this case, an equivalent rating is assigned for reporting purposes, based on the PD band associated with each rating. Collateral loans (margin lending), which form the largest part of “Other retail”, is also following an individual PD and LGD approach. This approach is already rolled out for loans booked on the Swiss platform and for the majority of international locations; the remaining international locations follow a pool PD and pool LGD approach. Both approaches are calibrated to historical loss experience. Most of the collateral loans are loans collateralized by securities.
The internal rating grades are mapped to the Credit Suisse Internal Masterscale. The PDs assigned to each rating grade are reflected in the following table.

CRE - Credit Suisse counterparty ratings
Ratings PD bands (%) Definition S&P Fitch Moody's Details
AAA 0.000 - 0.021
risk free
Extremely low risk, very high long-term
stability, still solvent under extreme conditions
0.021 - 0.027
0.027 - 0.034
0.034 - 0.044
Minimal risk

Very low risk, long-term stability, repayment
sources sufficient under lasting adverse
conditions, extremely high medium-term stability
0.044 - 0.056
0.056 - 0.068
0.068 - 0.097
Modest risk

Low risk, short- and mid-term stability, small adverse
developments can be absorbed long term, short- and
mid-term solvency preserved in the event of serious
0.097 - 0.167
0.167 - 0.285
0.285 - 0.487
Average risk

Medium to low risk, high short-term stability, adequate
substance for medium-term survival, very stable short
0.487 - 0.839
0.839 - 1.442
1.442 - 2.478
Acceptable risk

Medium risk, only short-term stability, only capable of
absorbing minor adverse developments in the medium term,
stable in the short term, no increased credit risks expected
within the year
2.478 - 4.259
4.259 - 7.311
7.311 - 12.550
High risk

Increasing risk, limited capability to absorb
further unexpected negative developments
12.550 - 21.543
21.543 - 100.00
21.543 - 100.00
21.543 - 100.00
Very high

High risk, very limited capability to absorb
further unexpected negative developments

Risk of default
has materialized
Imminent or
actual loss




Substantial credit risk has materialized, i.e. counterparty
is distressed and/or non-performing. Adequate specific
provisions must be made as further adverse developments
will result directly in credit losses.
Transactions rated C are potential problem loans; those rated D1 are non-performing assets and those rated D2 are non-interest earning.
Use of internal ratings
Internal ratings play an essential role in the decision-making and the credit approval processes. The portfolio credit quality is set in terms of the proportion of investment and non-investment grade exposures. Investment/non-investment grade is determined by the internal rating assigned to a counterparty.
Internal counterparty ratings (and associated PDs), transaction ratings (and associated LGDs) and CCF for loan commitments are inputs to RWA and ERC calculations. Model outputs are the basis for risk-adjusted-pricing or assignment of credit competency levels.
The internal ratings are also integrated into the risk management reporting infrastructure and are reviewed in senior risk management committees. These committees include the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Credit Officer (CCO), Regional CCO, RPSC and Capital Allocation & Risk Management Committee (CARMC).
Credit Risk Review
Governance and supervisory checks within credit risk management are supplemented by the credit risk review function. The credit risk review function is independent from credit risk management with a direct functional reporting line to the Risk Committee Chair, administratively reporting to the Group CRO. Credit risk review’s primary responsibility is to provide timely and independent assessments of the Group’s credit exposures and credit risk management processes and practices. Any findings and agreed actions are reported to senior management and, as necessary, to the Risk Committee.
EAD covered by the various approaches
The following table shows the part of EAD covered by the standardized and the A-IRB approach for each of the asset classes. The F-IRB approach is currently not applied.
CRE - EAD covered by the various approaches

end of 4Q18
EAD (in %)   
Sovereigns 14 86
Institutions - Banks and securities dealer 4 96
Institutions - Other institutions 0 100
Corporates 1 99
Residential mortgages 0 100
Retail 1 99
Other exposures 100 0
Total  7 93

Credit risk exposures by portfolio and PD range
The following table shows the main parameters used for the calculation of capital requirements for IRB models.
CR6 – Credit risk exposures by portfolio and PD range

end of 4Q18
sheet gross exposure
sheet exposures
pre CCF


EAD post-
CRM and




Sovereigns (CHF million, except where indicated)   
0.00% to <0.15% 81,810 509 82,319 88% 82,440 0.02% 68 4% 1.2 1,048 1% 1
0.15% to <0.25% 92 16 108 0% 92 0.22% 9 51% 3.0 59 63% 0
0.25% to <0.50% 530 0 530 100% 406 0.37% 7 51%