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For the month of May 4, 2006
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Media Release |
Credit Suisse Group reports net income of CHF 2.6 billion for the first quarter of 2006 |
Zurich, May 2, 2006 Credit Suisse Group today reported net income of CHF 2,604 million for the first quarter of 2006, an increase of 36% compared to net income of CHF 1,910 million in the first quarter of 2005. Net new assets totaled CHF 31.1 billion in the first quarter of 2006. The Group recorded a return on equity of 24.4%, with a return on equity of 27.4% in the banking business and 15.0% in the insurance business. |
Oswald J. Grübel, CEO of Credit Suisse Group, stated, "The first quarter of 2006 provided an excellent environment in which to start operating as an integrated global bank. Positive market sentiment translated into strong client activity across our Investment Banking, Private Banking and Asset Management divisions and we were well positioned to benefit from favorable trading conditions. I am very pleased with our performance in our first three months as an integrated bank."
Financial highlights | |||||||||
in CHF million | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % | Change in % | ||||
vs 4Q2005 | vs 1Q2005 | ||||||||
Net revenues | 21,779 | 14,138 | 16,897 | 54 | 29 | ||||
Total operating | 7,686 | 7,693 | 6,116 | 0 | 26 | ||||
Net income | 2,604 | 1,103 | 1,910 | 136 | 36 | ||||
Return on equity - Group | 24.4% | 11.2% | 20.6% | - | - | ||||
Return on equity - Banking | 27.4% | 10.8% | 22.9% | - | - | ||||
Return on equity - Insurance | 15.0% | 11.4% | 12.0% | - | - | ||||
Basic earnings per share (CHF) | 2.31 | 0.98 | 1.64 | - | - | ||||
BIS tier 1 ratio (at quarter-end) | 10.8% | 11.3% | 12.1% | - | - | ||||
New reporting structure
Suisse Group realigned its reporting structure to reflect the launch of the
new integrated global
bank, effective January 1, 2006. Under the new structure, the Group has a
separate reporting segment for each of its three banking divisions − Investment Banking, Private Banking and Asset Management − and
a single reporting segment for the insurance business, Winterthur. The new
reporting structure applies with effect from the first quarter of 2006.
Media Release | |
May 2, 2006 Page 2/6 |
Credit Suisse Group banking segment | ||||||||||
in CHF million | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % | Change in % | |||||
vs 4Q2005 | vs 1Q2005 | |||||||||
Investment | Net revenues | 5,757 | 3,735 | 3,994 | 54 | 44 | ||||
Banking | Total operating expenses | 4,248 | 3,462 | 3,081 | 23 | 38 | ||||
Income from | ||||||||||
operations before taxes | 1,564 | 286 | 932 | 447 | 68 | |||||
Private | Net revenues | 3,110 | 2,716 | 2,539 | 15 | 22 | ||||
Banking | Total operating expenses | 1,810 | 1,711 | 1,581 | 6 | 14 | ||||
Income from | ||||||||||
operations before taxes | 1,308 | 1,026 | 974 | 27 | 34 | |||||
Asset | Net revenues | 756 | 757 | 614 | 0 | 23 | ||||
Management | Total operating expenses | 520 | 516 | 406 | 1 | 28 | ||||
Income from | ||||||||||
operations before taxes | 234 | 241 | 208 | (3) | 13 | |||||
Investment Banking segment
Investment Banking segment reported record income from continuing operations
before taxes of CHF 1,564 million in the first quarter of 2006, an increase of 68% compared to the first quarter of 2005. Net revenues were also at a record level, growing 44% compared to the same period of 2005 due to substantially higher investment banking revenues and trading revenues, driven by increased client activity. The segment's total operating expenses rose 38% compared to the first quarter of 2005, primarily reflecting higher compensation accruals in line with improved results. The compensation/revenue ratio improved by 2.0 percentage points to 53.5% in the first quarter of 2006 from 55.5% for the full-year 2005. Compared to the fourth quarter
of 2005, income from continuing operations before taxes grew by CHF 1,278 million. This significant improvement was driven mainly by 54% growth in net revenues. Total operating expenses rose 23% from the previous quarter due primarily to higher compensation accruals in line with improved results, partly offset by lower other expenses. Investment Banking's pre-tax income margin was 27.2% for the first quarter of 2006, up 3.9 percentage points from the first quarter of 2005 and up 19.5 percentage points from the previous quarter. The pre-tax return on average economic risk capital was 42.0% in the first quarter of 2006, compared to 35.8% in the first quarter of 2005 and 10.3% in the previous quarter. Investment Banking recorded net releases of provisions for credit losses of CHF 55
million in the first quarter of 2006, reflecting the continued favorable credit environment for lenders. This compares to net releases of CHF 19
million in the first quarter of 2005 and of CHF 13 million in the previous quarter.
Private Banking segment
Private Banking segment recorded excellent income from continuing operations
before taxes of CHF 1,308
million in the first quarter of 2006, up 34% from the first quarter of 2005.
Net revenues grew 22% compared to the first quarter of 2005, primarily reflecting
a significant increase in commissions and fees as the segment proved its
ability to capitalize on the very strong client activity and market momentum.
Total operating expenses rose 14% from the first quarter of 2005, mainly
reflecting higher performance-related compensation accruals as well as personnel
expenses relating to strategic growth initiatives. Compared to the fourth
quarter of 2005, income from continuing operations before taxes rose 27%,
reflecting a 15% improvement in net revenues and a 6% rise in total operating
expenses. Private Banking recorded net releases of provisions
for credit losses of CHF 8 million in the first quarter of 2006. This compares
to net releases of CHF 16 million in the first quarter of 2005 and of
CHF 21 million in the previous quarter.
Media Release | |
May 2, 2006 Page 3/6 |
The Wealth Management business, which is part of Private Banking, reported income from continuing operations before taxes of CHF 963 million in the first quarter of 2006, up 50% from the first quarter of 2005 and up 37% from the previous quarter. The pre-tax income margin was 43.2% for the first quarter of 2006, corresponding to an increase of 5.5 percentage points versus the first quarter of 2005 and of 5.6 percentage points versus the previous quarter.
The Corporate & Retail Banking business, which is part of Private Banking, posted income from continuing operations before taxes of CHF 345 million in the first quarter of 2006, an increase of 4% from the first quarter of 2005 and of 7% from the previous quarter. The pre-tax income margin was 39.1%, down 0.5 percentage points from the first quarter of 2005 and up 1.1 percentage points from the previous quarter. Corporate & Retail Banking reported a pre-tax return on average economic risk capital of 48.4% in the first quarter of 2006. This represents an increase of 6.6 percentage points versus the first quarter of 2005 and an increase of 6.0 percentage points versus the previous quarter.
Asset Management segment
Asset Management segment posted income from continuing operations before
taxes of CHF 234 million in the firstquarter of 2006, an improvement of 13%
versus the first quarter of 2005. Net revenues
grew 23% compared to the corresponding period of 2005, primarily reflecting
stronger asset management revenues and higher private equity gains. Total
operating expenses rose 28% versus the first quarter of 2005 due to higher
performance-related compensation, higher commission expenses, costs associated
with the realignment of the Asset Management business and costs associated
with the branding implementation and related advertising costs. Compared
to the fourth quarter of 2005, income from continuing operations before taxes
declined 3%, reflecting stable net revenues and a marginal increase in total
operating expenses. Asset Management's pre-tax income margin was 31.0% for
the first quarter of 2006, down 2.9 percentage points from the first quarter
of 2005 and down 0.8 percentage points from the previous quarter. The
segment's cost/income ratio was up 2.7 percentage points versus the first
quarter of 2005 to 68.8% and up 0.6 percentage points from the previous quarter.
Net new assets
Management business recorded CHF 14.5 billion of net new assets in the first
quarter of 2006, representing
an annualized growth rate of 8.4%. This strong asset generation was driven
by inflows from Switzerland, Europe and the Americas. Asset Management reported
CHF 17.0 billion of net new assets, driven mainly by money market products, fixed income, multi-asset class solution products and alternative investments which originated primarily from the US and Europe. Overall, Credit Suisse Group recorded CHF 31.1 billion of net new asset inflows in the first quarter of 2006. The Group’s total assets under management stood at CHF 1,553.6
billion as of March 31, 2006, an increase of 4.7% from December 31, 2005.
Media Release | |
May 2, 2006 Page 4/6 |
on the insurance business, Oswald J. Grübel stated, "Winterthur
confirmed the strength of its business in the first quarter of 2006, further
improving its operating
performance and recording significant growth in total business volume, while
reducing its total operating expenses. Going forward, we remain committed
to enhancing efficiency and productivity in order to capture the full value
of this business."
Winterthur segment results | ||||||||||
in CHF million | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % | Change in % | |||||
vs 4Q2005 | vs 1Q2005 | |||||||||
Net revenues | 10,915 | 6,381 | 9,485 | 71 | 15 | |||||
Total operating expenses | 1,051 | 1,099 | 1,085 | (4) | (3) | |||||
Income from continuing operations | ||||||||||
before taxes | 505 | 482 | 418 | 5 | 21 | |||||
Winterthur recorded income from continuing operations before taxes of CHF 505 million in the first quarter of 2006, an increase of 21% versus the first quarter of 2005, reflecting continued operational improvements. Gross premiums written totaled CHF 10,657 million in the first quarter of 2006, representing growth of 7% compared to the first quarter of 2005. Total business volume was CHF 12,737 million, an increase of 11%. This growth was driven by the Life & Pensions business, where total business volume rose 18% as a result of a 13% increase in traditional business, primarily in Switzerland, and 39% growth in investment-type products, primarily in the UK. Net investment return backing traditional life policies and non-life policies decreased 0.5 percentage points to 4.8% in the first quarter of 2006 compared to the first quarter of 2005, reflecting a lower level of realized gains. Winterthur's total operating expenses decreased 3% in the first quarter of 2006 compared to the same period of 2005, primarily reflecting a decline in insurance underwriting and acquisition expenses. The Life & Pensions business reported an expense ratio of 4.2%, an improvement of 1.6 percentage points compared to the first quarter of 2005, as the total business volume grew strongly and expenses decreased. The Non-Life business recorded a combined ratio of 93.5%, an improvement of 3.2 percentage points versus the same period of 2005, due to generally favorable claims development. Winterthur's income from discontinued operations, net of tax, was CHF 23 million, driven mainly by the gain on the sale of the Canadian subsidiary, Citadel General Assurance Company, in the first quarter of 2006. Net income for the first quarter of 2006 was CHF 357 million, an increase of 42% compared to the first quarter of 2005, representing a return on equity of 15.0%, up 3.0 percentage points.
Global growth looks set to continue through 2007. Credit Suisse Group does not expect interest rates to increase substantially before the end of the year. It expects a stable US dollar against major currencies.
Media Relations Credit Suisse, telephone
+41 844 33 88 44,
Investor Relations Credit Suisse, telephone
+41 44 333 71 49,
For additional information on Credit Suisse Group’s first-quarter 2006 results, please refer to the Group’s Quarterly Report Q1 2006, as well as the Group’s slide presentation for analysts and the press, which are available on the Internet at:
Media Release | |
May 2, 2006 Page 5/6 |
Credit Suisse Group
Suisse Group is a leading global financial services company headquartered
in Zurich. Credit Suisse Credit Suisse Group's banking arm provides
clients worldwide with investment banking, private banking and asset management
services. It provides companies, institutional clients and high-net-worth
private clients worldwide, as well as retail clients in Switzerland, with
specialist advisory services, comprehensive solutions, and innovative products.
Credit Suisse Group also includes Winterthur, a Swiss general insurer with a focus on international business activities. Credit Suisse Group is active in over 50 countries and employs approximately 63,000 people. Credit Suisse Group registered shares (CSGN) are listed in Switzerland and, in the form of American Depositary Shares (CSR), in New York. Further information about Credit Suisse Group and Credit Suisse can be found at Further information about Winterthur can be found at
Cautionary statement regarding
forward-looking information
This press release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. In addition, in the future we, and others on our behalf, may make statements that constitute forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, statements relating to our plans, objectives or goals; our future economic performance or prospects; the potential effect on our future performance of certain contingencies; and assumptions underlying any such statements.
Words such as “believes,” “anticipates,” “expects,” "intends” and “plans” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable laws.
By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and risks exist that predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes described or implied in forward-looking statements will not be achieved. We caution you that a number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions expressed in such forward-looking statements. These factors include (i) market and interest rate fluctuations; (ii) the strength of the global economy in general and the strength of the economies of the countries in which we conduct our operations in particular; (iii) the ability of counterparties to meet their obligations to us; (iv) the effects of, and changes in, fiscal, monetary, trade and tax policies, and currency fluctuations; (v) political and social developments, including war, civil unrest or terrorist activity; (vi) the possibility of foreign exchange controls, expropriation, nationalization or confiscation of assets in countries in which we conduct our operations; (vii) the ability to maintain sufficient liquidity and access capital markets; (viii) operational factors such as systems failure, human error, or the failure to properly implement procedures; (ix) actions taken by regulators with respect to our business and practices in one or more of the countries in which we conduct our operations; (x) the effects of changes in laws, regulations or accounting policies or practices; (xi) competition in geographic and business areas in which we conduct our operations; (xii) the ability to retain and recruit qualified personnel; (xiii) the ability to maintain our reputation and promote our brands; (xiv) the ability to increase market share and control expenses; (xv) technological changes; (xvi) the timely development and acceptance of our new products and services and the perceived overall value of these products and services by users; (xvii) acquisitions, including the ability to integrate successfully acquired businesses; (xviii) the adverse resolution of litigation and other contingencies; and (xix) our success at managing the risks involved in the foregoing.
We caution you that the foregoing list of important factors is not exclusive; when evaluating forward-looking statements, you should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and events, as well as the risks identified in our most recently filed Form 20-F and reports on Form 6-K furnished to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
Media Release | |
May 2, 2006 Page 6/6 |
Presentation of Credit Suisse
Group’s First-Quarter 2006 Results
via Audio Webcast and Telephone Conference
Date | Tuesday, May 2, 2006 | |||||
Time | 10:00 CEST / 09:00 BST / 04:00 EST | |||||
Speaker | Renato Fassbind, Chief Financial Officer of Credit Suisse Group | |||||
The presentation will be held in English. | ||||||
Audio Webcast | | |||||
Telephone | Europe: | +41 91 610 5600 | ||||
UK: | +44 207 107 0611 | |||||
US: | +1 866 291 4166 | |||||
Reference: ‘Credit Suisse Group quarterly results’ | ||||||
Q&A session | You will have the opportunity to ask questions during the telephone conference following the presentation. | |||||
Playbacks | Audio playback available approximately 3 hours after the event at: | ||||| | ||||||
Telephone replay available approximately 1 hour after the event on | ||||||
Europe: | +41 91 612 4330 | |||||
UK: | +44 207 108 6233 | |||||
US: | +1 866 416 2558 | |||||
Conference ID: 176# | ||||||
Note | We recommend that you dial in approximately 10 minutes before the start of the presentation for the audio webcast and telephone conference. Further instructions and technical test functions are available on our website. | |||||
Credit Suisse Group Letter to Shareholders 2006/Q1 |
Oswald J. Grübel | Walter B. Kielholz |
Chief Executive Officer | Chairman of the Board of Directors |
Walter B. Kielholz | Oswald J. Grübel |
Chairman of the Board of Directors | Chief Executive Officer |
May 2006 |
Key information | ||||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 1Q2006 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||
Net revenues | 5,757 | 3,994 | 44 | |||||
of which underwriting revenues | 705 | 410 | 72 | |||||
of which advisory and other fees | 333 | 225 | 48 | |||||
of which total trading revenues | 4,844 | 3,182 | 52 | |||||
Provision for credit losses | (55) | (19) | 189 | |||||
Total operating expenses | 4,248 | 3,081 | 38 | |||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 1,564 | 932 | 68 | |||||
Pre-tax income margin | 27.2% | 23.3% | – | |||||
Pre-tax return on average economic risk capital | 42.0% | 35.8% | – | |||||
Key information | ||||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 1Q2006 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||
Net revenues | 3,110 | 2,539 | 22 | |||||
Provision for credit losses | (8) | (16) | (50) | |||||
Total operating expenses | 1,810 | 1,581 | 14 | |||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 1,308 | 974 | 34 | |||||
of which Wealth Management | 963 | 643 | 50 | |||||
of which Corporate & Retail Banking | 345 | 331 | 4 | |||||
Pre-tax income margin | 42.1% | 38.4% | – | |||||
Net new assets, in CHF bn | 14.8 | 14.1 | – | |||||
Assets under managment, in CHF bn | 882.7 | 837.6 | 1) | 5.4 | ||||
1) As of December 31, 2005. |
Key information | ||||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 1Q2006 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||
Net revenues | 756 | 614 | 23 | |||||
of which asset management revenues | 494 | 472 | 5 | |||||
of which private equity commissions and fees | 56 | 57 | (2) | |||||
of which private equity gains | 206 | 85 | 142 | |||||
Total operating expenses | 520 | 406 | 28 | |||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 234 | 208 | 13 | |||||
Pre-tax income margin | 31.0% | 33.9% | – | |||||
Net new assets, in CHF bn | 17.0 | 3.9 | – | |||||
Assets under management, in CHF bn | 619.6 | 589.4 | 1) | 5.1 | ||||
1) As of December 31, 2005. |
Key information | ||||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 1Q2006 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||
Total business volume | 12,737 | 11,450 | 11 | |||||
Gross premiums written | 10,657 | 9,955 | 7 | |||||
Total benefits, claims, dividends and credit losses | 9,359 | 7,982 | 17 | |||||
Total operating expenses | 1,051 | 1,085 | (3) | |||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 505 | 418 | 21 | |||||
Net income | 357 | 251 | 42 | |||||
Return on equity | 15.0% | 12.0% | – | |||||
Life & Pensions – expense ratio | 4.2% | 5.8% | – | |||||
Non-Life – combined ratio | 93.5% | 96.7% | – | |||||
Consolidated statements of income (unaudited) |
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Interest and dividend income | 12,555 | 11,560 | 8,808 | 9 | 43 | |||||||
Interest expense | (9,685) | (9,132) | (5,760) | 6 | 68 | |||||||
Net interest income | 2,870 | 2,428 | 3,048 | 18 | (6) | |||||||
Commissions and fees | 4,271 | 4,096 | 3,237 | 4 | 32 | |||||||
Trading revenues | 4,311 | 1,814 | 1,828 | 138 | 136 | |||||||
Realized gains/(losses) from investment securities, net | 358 | 261 | 421 | 37 | (15) | |||||||
Insurance net premiums earned | 8,204 | 4,478 | 7,596 | 83 | 8 | |||||||
Other revenues | 1,765 | 1,061 | 767 | 66 | 130 | |||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 18,909 | 11,710 | 13,849 | 61 | 37 | |||||||
Net revenues | 21,779 | 14,138 | 16,897 | 54 | 29 | |||||||
Policyholder benefits, claims and dividends | 9,372 | 4,786 | 7,984 | 96 | 17 | |||||||
Provision for credit losses | (60) | (27) | (36) | 122 | 67 | |||||||
Total benefits, claims and credit losses | 9,312 | 4,759 | 7,948 | 96 | 17 | |||||||
Insurance underwriting, acquisition and administration expenses | 998 | 979 | 1,029 | 2 | (3) | |||||||
Banking compensation and benefits | 4,472 | 3,982 | 3,296 | 12 | 36 | |||||||
Other expenses | 2,211 | 2,729 | 1,791 | (19) | 23 | |||||||
Restructuring charges | 5 | 3 | 0 | 67 | – | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 7,686 | 7,693 | 6,116 | 0 | 26 | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes, minority interests, extraordinary items and cumulative effect of accounting changes | 4,781 | 1,686 | 2,833 | 184 | 69 | |||||||
Income tax expense | 860 | 85 | 627 | – | 37 | |||||||
Minority interests | 1,316 | 511 | 301 | 158 | 337 | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before extraordinary items and cumulative effect of accounting changes | 2,605 | 1,090 | 1,905 | 139 | 37 | |||||||
Income/(loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax | 23 | 13 | (9) | 77 | – | |||||||
Extraordinary items, net of tax | (24) | 0 | 0 | – | – | |||||||
Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax | 0 | 0 | 14 | – | – | |||||||
Net income | 2,604 | 1,103 | 1,910 | 136 | 36 | |||||||
1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | ||||||
Basic earnings per share, in CHF | ||||||||
Income from continuing operations before cumulative effect of accounting changes | 2.31 | 0.97 | 1.64 | |||||
Income/(loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax | 0.02 | 0.01 | (0.01) | |||||
Extraordinary items, net of tax | (0.02) | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||||
Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.01 | |||||
Net income available for common shares | 2.31 | 0.98 | 1.64 | |||||
Diluted earnings per share, in CHF | ||||||||
Income from continuing operations before cumulative effect of accounting changes | 2.21 | 0.94 | 1.63 | |||||
Income/(loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax | 0.02 | 0.01 | (0.01) | |||||
Extraordinary items, net of tax | (0.02) | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||||
Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.01 | |||||
Net income available for common shares | 2.21 | 0.95 | 1.63 | |||||
Consolidated balance sheets (unaudited) |
in CHF m | 31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | |||||
Assets | ||||||||
Cash and due from banks | 34,789 | 27,577 | 26 | |||||
Interest-bearing deposits with banks | 6,722 | 6,143 | 9 | |||||
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions | 344,475 | 352,281 | (2) | |||||
Securities received as collateral | 30,377 | 23,950 | 27 | |||||
Trading assets (of which CHF 153,512 m and CHF 151,793 m encumbered) | 460,847 | 435,250 | 6 | |||||
Investment securities (of which CHF 2,371 m and CHF 2,456 m encumbered) | 120,931 | 121,565 | (1) | |||||
Other investments | 28,474 | 20,736 | 37 | |||||
Loans, net of allowance for loan losses of CHF 2,054 m and CHF 2,241 m | 215,496 | 205,671 | 5 | |||||
Premises and equipment | 7,430 | 7,427 | 0 | |||||
Goodwill | 12,830 | 12,932 | (1) | |||||
Other intangible assets | 3,419 | 3,091 | 11 | |||||
Assets held for separate accounts | 13,544 | 11,875 | 14 | |||||
Other assets (of which CHF 29,418 m and CHF 4,860 m encumbered) | 154,287 | 110,554 | 40 | |||||
Total assets | 1,433,621 | 1,339,052 | 7 | |||||
Liabilities and shareholders' equity | ||||||||
Deposits | 383,361 | 364,238 | 5 | |||||
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions | 302,780 | 309,803 | (2) | |||||
Obligation to return securities received as collateral | 30,377 | 23,950 | 27 | |||||
Trading liabilities | 219,523 | 194,225 | 13 | |||||
Short-term borrowings (of which CHF 2,078 m reported at fair value as of March 31, 2006) | 20,981 | 19,472 | 8 | |||||
Provisions from the insurance business | 155,713 | 148,414 | 5 | |||||
Long-term debt (of which CHF 40,461 m reported at fair value as of March 31, 2006) | 141,509 | 132,975 | 6 | |||||
Liabilities held for separate accounts | 13,544 | 11,875 | 14 | |||||
Other liabilities | 107,133 | 84,135 | 27 | |||||
Minority interests | 16,070 | 7,847 | 105 | |||||
Total liabilities | 1,390,991 | 1,296,934 | 7 | |||||
Common shares | 624 | 624 | 0 | |||||
Additional paid-in capital | 24,716 | 24,639 | 0 | |||||
Retained earnings | 27,248 | 24,584 | 11 | |||||
Treasury shares, at cost | (7,349) | (5,823) | 26 | |||||
Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss) | (2,609) | (1,906) | 37 | |||||
Total shareholders' equity | 42,630 | 42,118 | 1 | |||||
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | 1,433,621 | 1,339,052 | 7 | |||||
For further information, please refer to our Quarterly Report 2006/Q1, which is available at:
CREDIT SUISSE GROUP Paradeplatz 8 CH-8070 Zürich Switzerland
5520174 English
Credit Suisse Group Quarterly Report 2006/Q1 |
Credit Suisse Group financial highlights | ||||||||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Consolidated statements of income | ||||||||||||
Net revenues | 21,779 | 14,138 | 16,897 | 54 | 29 | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes, minority interests, extraordinary items and cumulative effect of accounting changes | 4,781 | 1,686 | 2,833 | 184 | 69 | |||||||
Net income | 2,604 | 1,103 | 1,910 | 136 | 36 | |||||||
Return on equity | ||||||||||||
Return on equity – Group | 24.4% | 11.2% | 20.6% | – | – | |||||||
Return on equity – Banking | 27.4% | 10.8% | 22.9% | – | – | |||||||
Return on equity – Insurance | 15.0% | 11.4% | 12.0% | – | – | |||||||
Earnings per share | ||||||||||||
Basic earnings per share, in CHF | 2.31 | 0.98 | 1.64 | – | – | |||||||
Diluted earnings per share, in CHF | 2.21 | 0.95 | 1.63 | – | – | |||||||
Cost/income ratio – Banking | 68.4% | 78.9% | 70.9% | – | – | |||||||
Net new assets, in CHF bn | 31.1 | 7.8 | 15.4 | – | – | |||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | |||||
Assets under management, in CHF bn | 1,553.6 | 1,484.3 | 4.7 | |||||
Consolidated balance sheets | ||||||||
Total assets | 1,433,621 | 1,339,052 | 7 | |||||
Shareholders' equity | 42,630 | 42,118 | 1 | |||||
Consolidated BIS capital data | ||||||||
Risk-weighted assets | 248,116 | 232,891 | 7 | |||||
Tier 1 ratio | 10.8% | 11.3% | – | |||||
Total capital ratio | 13.5% | 13.7% | – | |||||
Number of employees | ||||||||
Switzerland – Banking | 20,026 | 20,194 | (1) | |||||
Switzerland – Insurance | 5,878 | 5,928 | (1) | |||||
Outside Switzerland – Banking | 23,621 | 24,370 | (3) | |||||
Outside Switzerland – Insurance | 12,994 | 13,031 | 0 | |||||
Number of employees (full-time equivalents) | 62,519 | 63,523 | (2) | |||||
Stock market data | ||||||||
Share price per registered share, in CHF | 73.15 | 67.00 | 9 | |||||
High (closing price) year-to-date, in CHF | 78.45 | 68.50 | 15 | |||||
Low (closing price) year-to-date, in CHF | 68.25 | 46.85 | 46 | |||||
Share price per American Depositary Share, in USD | 55.86 | 50.95 | 10 | |||||
Market capitalization, in CHF m | 80,900 | 75,399 | 7 | |||||
Market capitalization, in USD m | 61,778 | 57,337 | 8 | |||||
Book value per share, in CHF | 38.55 | 37.43 | 3 | |||||
Share information | ||||||||
Shares issued | 1,247,752,166 | 1,247,752,166 | 0 | |||||
Treasury shares | (141,809,733) | (122,391,983) | 16 | |||||
Shares outstanding | 1,105,942,433 | 1,125,360,183 | (2) | |||||
Financial calendar | ||||
Second quarter results 2006 | Wednesday, August 2, 2006 | |||
Third quarter results 2006 | Thursday, November 2, 2006 | |||
Mauriz Lang and Andreas Nedoma, Advisory & Fulfillment, Private Banking, Zürich
John Wildgoose
Oswald J. Grübel
Chief Executive Officer Credit Suisse Group |
The following tables set forth an overview of segment results: | ||||||||||||||||
1Q2006, in CHF m | Investment Banking | Private Banking | Asset Management | Total Banking | Winterthur | Corporate Center | 1) | Credit Suisse Group | ||||||||
Net revenues | 5,757 | 3,110 | 756 | 9,623 | 10,915 | 1,241 | 21,779 | |||||||||
Policyholder benefits, claims and dividends | – | – | – | – | 9,358 | 14 | 9,372 | |||||||||
Provision for credit losses | (55) | (8) | 2 | (61) | 1 | 0 | (60) | |||||||||
Total benefits, claims and credit losses | (55) | (8) | 2 | (61) | 9,359 | 14 | 9,312 | |||||||||
Insurance underwriting, acquisition and administration expenses | – | – | – | – | 998 | 0 | 998 | |||||||||
Banking compensation and benefits | 3,080 | 1,071 | 261 | 4,412 | – | 60 | 4,472 | |||||||||
Other expenses | 1,168 | 739 | 259 | 2,166 | 48 | (3) | 2,211 | |||||||||
Restructuring charges | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 5 | |||||||||
Total operating expenses | 4,248 | 1,810 | 520 | 6,578 | 1,051 | 57 | 7,686 | |||||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes, minority interests, extraordinary items and cumulative effect of accounting changes | 1,564 | 1,308 | 234 | 3,106 | 505 | 1,170 | 2) | 4,781 | ||||||||
1Q2005, in CHF m | Investment Banking | Private Banking | Asset Management | Total Banking | Winterthur | Corporate Center | 1) | Credit Suisse Group | ||||||||
Net revenues | 3,994 | 2,539 | 614 | 7,147 | 9,485 | 265 | 16,897 | |||||||||
Policyholder benefits, claims and dividends | – | – | – | – | 7,984 | 0 | 7,984 | |||||||||
Provision for credit losses | (19) | (16) | 0 | (35) | (2) | 1 | (36) | |||||||||
Total benefits, claims and credit losses | (19) | (16) | 0 | (35) | 7,982 | 1 | 7,948 | |||||||||
Insurance underwriting, acquisition and administration expenses | – | – | – | – | 1,026 | 3 | 1,029 | |||||||||
Banking compensation and benefits | 2,135 | 906 | 225 | 3,266 | – | 30 | 3,296 | |||||||||
Other expenses | 946 | 675 | 181 | 1,802 | 58 | (69) | 1,791 | |||||||||
Restructuring charges | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | (1) | 0 | |||||||||
Total operating expenses | 3,081 | 1,581 | 406 | 5,068 | 1,085 | (37) | 6,116 | |||||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes, minority interests, extraordinary items and cumulative effect of accounting changes | 932 | 974 | 208 | 2,114 | 418 | 301 | 3) | 2,833 | ||||||||
1) Includes consolidation eliminations, revenues and expenses from certain parent company investments and certain other revenues and expenses not allocated to the segments. | ||||||||||||||||
2) Includes minority interest income of CHF 1,275 million from the consolidation of certain private equity funds and other entities in which the Group does not have a significant economic interest in such income. | ||||||||||||||||
3) Includes minority interest income of CHF 272 million from the consolidation of certain private equity funds and other entities in which the Group does not have a significant economic interest in such income. |
The following table presents the Group's condensed consolidated statement of income: | ||||||||||||||
Credit Suisse Group | ||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||||||
Net revenues | 21,779 | 16,897 | 29 | |||||||||||
Policyholder benefits, claims and dividends | 9,372 | 7,984 | 17 | |||||||||||
Provision for credit losses | (60) | (36) | 67 | |||||||||||
Total benefits, claims and credit losses | 9,312 | 7,948 | 17 | |||||||||||
Insurance underwriting, acquisition and administration expenses | 998 | 1,029 | (3) | |||||||||||
Banking compensation and benefits | 4,472 | 3,296 | 36 | |||||||||||
Other expenses | 2,211 | 1,791 | 23 | |||||||||||
Restructuring charges | 5 | 0 | – | |||||||||||
Total operating expenses | 7,686 | 6,116 | 26 | |||||||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes, minority interests, extraordinary items and cumulative effect of accounting changes | 4,781 | 2,833 | 69 | |||||||||||
Income tax expense/(benefit) | 860 | 627 | 37 | |||||||||||
Minority interests | 1,316 | 301 | 337 | |||||||||||
Income from continuing operations | 2,605 | 1,905 | 37 | |||||||||||
Income/(loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax | 23 | (9) | – | |||||||||||
Extraordinary items, net of tax | (24) | 0 | – | |||||||||||
Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax | 0 | 14 | – | |||||||||||
Net income | 2,604 | 1,910 | 36 | |||||||||||
The following table presents the results of the Investment Banking segment: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Net interest income | 748 | 421 | 1,016 | 78 | (26) | |||||||
Commissions and fees | 1,942 | 1,984 | 1,327 | (2) | 46 | |||||||
Trading revenues and realized gains/(losses) from investment securities, net | 2,943 | 1,203 | 1,484 | 145 | 98 | |||||||
Other revenues | 124 | 127 | 167 | (2) | (26) | |||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 5,009 | 3,314 | 2,978 | 51 | 68 | |||||||
Net revenues | 5,757 | 3,735 | 3,994 | 54 | 44 | |||||||
Provision for credit losses | (55) | (13) | (19) | 323 | 189 | |||||||
Compensation and benefits | 3,080 | 2,136 | 2,135 | 44 | 44 | |||||||
Other expenses | 1,168 | 1,326 | 946 | (12) | 23 | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 4,248 | 3,462 | 3,081 | 23 | 38 | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 1,564 | 286 | 932 | 447 | 68 | |||||||
Total investment banking revenues include debt underwriting, equity underwriting and advisory and other fees. In the first quarter of 2006, investment banking revenues totaled CHF 1,038 million, up CHF 403 million, or 63%, versus the first quarter of 2005, reflecting significant increases in both underwriting and advisory and other fees. In line with its strategy, Investment Banking continued to build on its industry-leading platform in the emerging markets. Among the many awards received in the quarter, Credit Suisse was named “Best Investment Bank in Latin America” by
Latin Finance
and was recognized for its leadership last year across investment banking products, particularly in the competitive equity underwriting market. This award provided further confirmation of Credit Suisse’s momentum in the region and commitment to providing best-in-class products throughout the emerging markets and globally.
Debt underwriting revenues in the first quarter of 2006 were CHF 456 million, up CHF 185 million, or 68%, compared to the first quarter of 2005. These results reflect higher revenues in leveraged finance, asset-backed securities and investment grade capital markets, with global industry-wide investment grade debt underwriting reaching record volumes and high-yield debt underwriting recovering from lower volumes in the three previous quarters, benefiting from strong global mergers and acquisitions activity. For the first quarter of 2006, Credit Suisse ranked third in global high-yield securities new issuance volumes. The high-yield market continued to be very competitive among the top firms. The overall leveraged finance franchise remained strong and corporate issuance continued the trend seen in 2005 with the shift from high-yield securities to the syndicated loan market. Investment Banking continued to focus on profitability rather than league table rankings in the investment grade capital markets business, consistent with its strategy to focus on high-margin products. Equity underwriting revenues in the first quarter of 2006 were CHF 249 million, up CHF 110 million, or 79%, compared to the first quarter of 2005, reflecting higher industry-wide equity issuance activity, including higher convertible securities activity, and improved market share. Equity underwriting revenues decreased 27% compared to the strong fourth quarter of 2005, due primarily to lower global industry-wide equity issuances. Credit Suisse ranked third for the first quarter of 2006 in global initial public offering market share. Credit Suisse participated in a number of key equity transactions in the quarter across a broad range of industries and geographies, including a convertible bond issue for Bayer AG and initial public offerings for QinetiQ Group plc (privatization of a UK provider of defense technology and security solutions) and Partners Group (one of the largest independent global alternative asset managers). In addition, Credit Suisse was the sole global coordinator for the privatization of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico, S.A. de C.V. (a network of 12 national airport assets), Mexico’s largest initial public offering in fifteen years. |
The following table presents the revenue details of the Investment Banking segment: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Debt underwriting | 456 | 394 | 271 | 16 | 68 | |||||||
Equity underwriting | 249 | 343 | 139 | (27) | 79 | |||||||
Underwriting | 705 | 737 | 410 | (4) | 72 | |||||||
Advisory and other fees | 333 | 448 | 225 | (26) | 48 | |||||||
Total investment banking | 1,038 | 1,185 | 635 | (12) | 63 | |||||||
Fixed income | 2,767 | 1,566 | 2,116 | 77 | 31 | |||||||
Equity | 2,077 | 1,021 | 1,066 | 103 | 95 | |||||||
Total trading | 4,844 | 2,587 | 3,182 | 87 | 52 | |||||||
Other (including loan portfolio) | (125) | (37) | 177 | 238 | – | |||||||
Net revenues | 5,757 | 3,735 | 3,994 | 54 | 44 | |||||||
Advisory and other fees of CHF 333 million in the first quarter of 2006 were up CHF 108 million, or 48%, compared to the first quarter of 2005, which was negatively impacted by lower announced transaction volumes in late 2004 and the timing of fees. Advisory and other fees declined 26% compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, due primarily to lower industry-wide completed mergers and acquisitions activity and lower market share. Credit Suisse ranked eleventh in global announced mergers and acquisitions and fourteenth in global completed mergers and acquisitions for the first quarter of 2006. Notable transactions announced in the first quarter of 2006 included Bayer AG’s acquisition of Schering AG, the sale of Pixar Animation Studios to the Walt Disney Company and the McClatchy Company’s acquisition of Knight-Ridder Inc.
Total trading revenues include results from fixed income and equity sales and trading. Total trading revenues for the first quarter of 2006 were CHF 4,844 million, up CHF 1,662 million, or 52%, versus the first quarter of 2005, due to strength in both fixed income and equity trading revenues and favorable market conditions. Total trading revenues increased 87% compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, reflecting improved results in both equity and fixed income trading. Investment Banking’s average daily VaR in the first quarter of 2006 was CHF 72 million, up from CHF 67 million in the first quarter of 2005 and up from CHF 71 million in the fourth quarter of 2005. Average ERC increased CHF 4.7 billion versus the first quarter of 2005 and CHF 0.8 billion versus the fourth quarter of 2005, in line with the strategy to extend incremental capital to support high-growth and high-margin activities with notable increases in the leveraged finance, structured products and proprietary trading businesses. Fixed income trading recorded revenues of CHF 2,767 million in the first quarter of 2006. These results were up CHF 651 million, or 31%, compared to the first quarter of 2005, reflecting strong results in leveraged finance, fixed income proprietary trading, Latin America trading and global foreign exchange positioning, partially offset by weaker results in other emerging markets trading, asset-backed securities and commercial mortgage-backed securities. Fixed income markets in the first quarter of 2006 were generally favorable, with narrowing credit spreads and a substantial increase in new issue activity. The results in the first quarter of 2005 reflected a CHF 125 million positive adjustment to the valuation of over-the-counter derivatives in connection with enhancements to bring Credit Suisse’s estimates of fair value closer to how the dealer market prices such derivatives. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, fixed income trading revenues increased by 77%, due primarily to higher revenues in leveraged finance, residential mortgage-backed securities, emerging markets trading, global foreign exchange positioning and fixed income proprietary trading, partially offset by weaker results in commercial mortgage-backed securities. Interest rate products performed well despite the flat yield curve. Consistent with the strategy to grow the commodities business, Credit Suisse announced during the quarter a strategic alliance with Glencore International to build a derivatives and structured products trading business in the oil and petroleum products market. Equity trading revenues increased CHF 1,011 million, or 95%, and CHF 1,056 million, or 103%, to CHF 2,077 million, compared to the first quarter of 2005 and the fourth quarter of 2005, respectively. These significant increases reflected higher revenues across all major business areas amid strong markets. The customer flow businesses in cash and convertibles performed well across all regions. Equity proprietary trading exhibited strong results across most regions and strategies and equity derivatives benefited from increased deal flow and good trading results. Prime services continued to perform well with higher revenues in the quarter. Credit Suisse solidified its position as a Best in Class prime broker in the top tier of the market, according to the 2006 Global Custodian Prime Brokerage survey. In line with furthering Credit Suisse’s leading global emerging markets franchise, Credit Suisse and Standard Bank in South Africa announced a new joint venture known as Credit Suisse Standard Securities to focus on equities research, sales, trading and capital markets transactions in South Africa. The combination of Credit Suisse’s global equity franchise with Standard Bank’s local expertise will provide institutional clients with analysis and access to the South African equity market, which is a significant component of many emerging market indices. Other (including loan portfolio) recorded a loss of CHF 125 million for the first quarter of 2006 compared to revenues of CHF 177 million in the first quarter of 2005, due primarily to lower gains from private equity-related investments not managed as part of Asset Management and credit default swap losses related to the loan portfolio. Investment Banking selectively hedges the loan book using credit default swaps, which recorded weaker performance as a result of tightening credit spreads. |
The following tables present key information of the Investment Banking segment: | |||||||||||||
1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | |||||||||||
Cost/income ratio | 73.8% | 92.7% | 77.1% | ||||||||||
Pre-tax income margin | 27.2% | 7.7% | 23.3% | ||||||||||
Compensation/revenue ratio | 53.5% | 57.2% | 53.5% | ||||||||||
Average economic risk capital, in CHF m | 15,871 | 15,109 | 11,221 | ||||||||||
Pre-tax return on average economic risk capital 1) | 42.0% | 10.3% | 35.8% | ||||||||||
Average one-day, 99% VaR, in CHF m | 72 | 71 | 67 | ||||||||||
1) Calculated using a return excluding funding costs for allocated goodwill. |
31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | ||||||
Total loans | 39,654 | 34,762 | 14 | |||||
Non-performing loans/total loans | 0.7% | 0.4% | – | |||||
Impaired loans/total loans | 1.5% | 1.5% | – | |||||
The following table presents the results of the Private Banking segment: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Net interest income | 966 | 924 | 922 | 5 | 5 | |||||||
Commissions and fees | 1,807 | 1,535 | 1,403 | 18 | 29 | |||||||
Trading revenues and realized gains/(losses) from investment securities, net | 303 | 236 | 167 | 28 | 81 | |||||||
Other revenues | 34 | 21 | 47 | 62 | (28) | |||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 2,144 | 1,792 | 1,617 | 20 | 33 | |||||||
Net revenues | 3,110 | 2,716 | 2,539 | 15 | 22 | |||||||
Provision for credit losses | (8) | (21) | (16) | (62) | (50) | |||||||
Compensation and benefits | 1,071 | 888 | 906 | 21 | 18 | |||||||
Other expenses | 739 | 823 | 675 | (10) | 9 | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 1,810 | 1,711 | 1,581 | 6 | 14 | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 1,308 | 1,026 | 974 | 27 | 34 | |||||||
The following tables present key information of the Private Banking segment: | |||||||||||||
1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | |||||||||||
Cost/income ratio | 58.2% | 63.0% | 62.3% | ||||||||||
Pre-tax income margin | 42.1% | 37.8% | 38.4% | ||||||||||
Net new assets, in CHF bn | 14.8 | 8.9 | 14.1 | ||||||||||
Average economic risk capital, in CHF m | 4,778 | 4,743 | 4,655 | ||||||||||
Pre-tax return on average economic risk capital 1) | 111.1% | 88.2% | 84.8% | ||||||||||
1) Calculated using a return excluding funding costs for allocated goodwill. |
31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | ||||||
Assets under management, in CHF bn | 882.7 | 837.6 | 5.4 | |||||
The following table presents the results of the Wealth Management business: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Net interest income | 458 | 396 | 411 | 16 | 11 | |||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 1,769 | 1,472 | 1,294 | 20 | 37 | |||||||
Net revenues | 2,227 | 1,868 | 1,705 | 19 | 31 | |||||||
Provision for credit losses | 0 | 2 | 3 | – | – | |||||||
Compensation and benefits | 735 | 596 | 589 | 23 | 25 | |||||||
Other expenses | 529 | 567 | 470 | (7) | 13 | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 1,264 | 1,163 | 1,059 | 9 | 19 | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 963 | 703 | 643 | 37 | 50 | |||||||
The following tables present key information of the Wealth Management business: | ||||||||
1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | ||||||
Cost/income ratio | 56.8% | 62.3% | 62.1% | |||||
Pre-tax income margin | 43.2% | 37.6% | 37.7% | |||||
Net new assets, in CHF bn | 14.5 | 6.8 | 11.1 | |||||
Net new asset growth (rolling four quarter average) | 7.8% | 7.5% | 5.3% | |||||
Net new asset growth | 8.4% | 4.0% | 7.8% | |||||
Gross margin on assets under management | 124.6 bp | 109.4 bp | 117.2 bp | |||||
of which asset-based | 73.1 bp | 70.3 bp | 77.8 bp | |||||
of which transaction-based | 51.5 bp | 39.1 bp | 39.4 bp | |||||
Net margin (pre-tax) on assets under management | 53.9 bp | 41.2 bp | 44.2 bp | |||||
31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | ||||||
Assets under management, in CHF bn | 733.7 | 693.3 | 5.8 | |||||
The following table presents the results of the Corporate & Retail Banking business: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Net interest income | 508 | 528 | 512 | (4) | (1) | |||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 375 | 319 | 323 | 18 | 16 | |||||||
Net revenues | 883 | 847 | 835 | 4 | 6 | |||||||
Provision for credit losses | (8) | (23) | (19) | (65) | (58) | |||||||
Compensation and benefits | 336 | 291 | 318 | 15 | 6 | |||||||
Other expenses | 210 | 257 | 205 | (18) | 2 | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 546 | 548 | 523 | 0 | 4 | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 345 | 322 | 331 | 7 | 4 | |||||||
The following tables present key information of the Corporate & Retail Banking business: | |||||||||||||
1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | |||||||||||
Cost/income ratio | 61.8% | 64.7% | 62.6% | ||||||||||
Pre-tax income margin | 39.1% | 38.0% | 39.6% | ||||||||||
Net new assets, in CHF bn | 0.3 | 2.1 | 3.0 | ||||||||||
Average economic risk capital, in CHF m | 2,858 | 3,041 | 3,168 | ||||||||||
Pre-tax return on average economic risk capital 1) | 48.4% | 42.4% | 41.8% | ||||||||||
1) Calculated using a return excluding funding costs for allocated goodwill. |
31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | ||||||
Assets under management, in CHF bn | 149.0 | 144.3 | 3.3 | |||||
Mortgage loans, in CHF bn | 67.2 | 66.3 | 1.4 | |||||
Other loans, in CHF bn | 31.7 | 28.3 | 12.0 | |||||
Non-performing loans/total loans | 1.6% | 1.9% | (15.8) | |||||
Impaired loans/total loans | 2.2% | 2.6% | (15.4) | |||||
Number of branches | 215 | 215 | 0.0 | |||||
Corporate & Retail
The following table presents the results of the Asset Management segment: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Net interest income | (19) | (22) | (13) | (14) | 46 | |||||||
Commissions and fees | 561 | 539 | 524 | 4 | 7 | |||||||
Trading revenues and realized gains/(losses) from investment securities, net | (11) | 10 | 7 | – | – | |||||||
Other revenues | 225 | 230 | 96 | (2) | 134 | |||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 775 | 779 | 627 | (1) | 24 | |||||||
Net revenues | 756 | 757 | 614 | 0 | 23 | |||||||
Provision for credit losses | 2 | 0 | 0 | – | – | |||||||
Compensation and benefits | 261 | 252 | 225 | 4 | 16 | |||||||
Other expenses | 259 | 264 | 181 | (2) | 43 | |||||||
of which commission expenses | 84 | 86 | 63 | (2) | 33 | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 520 | 516 | 406 | 1 | 28 | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 234 | 241 | 208 | (3) | 13 | |||||||
The following table presents the revenue details of the Asset Management segment: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Asset management revenues | 494 | 502 | 472 | (2) | 5 | |||||||
Private equity commissions and fees | 56 | 47 | 57 | 19 | (2) | |||||||
Net revenues before private equity gains | 550 | 549 | 529 | 0 | 4 | |||||||
Private equity gains | 206 | 208 | 85 | (1) | 142 | |||||||
Net revenues | 756 | 757 | 614 | 0 | 23 | |||||||
The following tables present key information of the Asset Management segment: | |||||||||||||
1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | |||||||||||
Cost/income ratio | 68.8% | 68.2% | 66.1% | ||||||||||
Pre-tax income margin | 31.0% | 31.8% | 33.9% | ||||||||||
Net new assets | 17.0 | (0.8) | 3.9 | ||||||||||
of which private equity | 2.4 | 1.3 | 0.1 | ||||||||||
of which advisory assets | 1.0 | 3.2 | 1.1 | ||||||||||
Gross margin on assets under management | 49.8 bp | 54.0 bp | 52.1 bp | ||||||||||
Net margin (pre-tax) on assets under management | 15.4 bp | 17.2 bp | 17.6 bp | ||||||||||
Average economic risk capital, in CHF m | 1,345 | 1,311 | 939 | ||||||||||
Pre-tax return on average economic risk capital 1) | 77.7% | 82.1% | 97.1% | ||||||||||
1) Calculated using a return excluding funding costs for allocated goodwill. |
in CHF bn | 31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | |||||
Assets under management | 619.6 | 589.4 | 5.1 | |||||
Private equity investments | 2.0 | 1.4 | 42.9 | |||||
Total operating expenses were CHF 520 million, an increase of CHF 114 million, or 28%, compared to the first quarter of 2005, reflecting higher performance-related compensation, higher commission expenses, costs associated with the realignment of the Asset Management business and costs associated with the branding implementation and related advertising costs.
Pre-tax income margin for the first quarter of 2006 was 31.0%, down 2.9 percentage points from the first quarter of 2005, with a 23% increase in net revenues offset by a 28% increase in total operating expenses. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, pre-tax income margin decreased 0.8 percentage points, reflecting stable net revenues and a slight increase in total operating expenses. Asset Management maintained its pre-tax income margin over the past year at a generally constant level, with the exception of the second quarter of 2005 which included exceptional private equity gains. Gross margin on assets under management amounted to 49.8 basis points in the first quarter of 2006, down 2.3 basis points from the first quarter of 2005, due to the inclusion of more than CHF 40 billion in low margin money market products in the fourth quarter of 2005 and the decrease in trading revenues. Pre-tax return on average economic risk capital was 77.7%, down 19.4 percentage points versus the first quarter of 2005. Average economic risk capital was higher in the first quarter of 2006, partly due to increased direct investments in alternative products. Asset Management has launched a number of initiatives to increase profitability. These initiatives will focus on improving client orientation, reducing the overall cost base and specifically targeting geographic regions with low profitability. |
The following table presents total assets under management of the Asset Management segment by asset class: | |||||||||||||
in CHF bn | 31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | ||||||||||
Money market | 71.4 | 64.1 | 11.4 | ||||||||||
Fixed income | 116.5 | 110.0 | 5.9 | ||||||||||
Balanced | 255.6 | 254.6 | 0.4 | ||||||||||
Equities | 51.8 | 47.7 | 8.6 | ||||||||||
Alternative 1) | 124.3 | 113.0 | 10.0 | ||||||||||
of which private equity | 28.1 | 25.5 | 10.2 | ||||||||||
Total assets under management | 619.6 | 589.4 | 5.1 | ||||||||||
of which discretionary assets | 527.9 | 500.3 | 5.5 | ||||||||||
of which advisory assets | 91.7 | 89.1 | 2.9 | ||||||||||
1) Alternative include private equity, funds of hedge funds, real estate and indexed products. |
Assets under management increased from CHF 589.4 billion as of December 31, 2005, to CHF 619.6 billion as of March 31, 2006, reflecting market and foreign exchange-related movements of CHF 13.2 billion and net new assets of CHF 17.0 billion. Net asset inflows of CHF 18.3 billion were partly offset by outflows of CHF 1.3 billion related to movements in the German real estate market. Net inflows were mainly from money market products, fixed income, multi-asset class solution products and alternative investments and originated mainly in the US and Europe. Of the net new assets recorded in the first quarter, approximately a third related to the reinvestment in the US of money market outflows in the fourth quarter of 2005.
Asset Management expects to benefit significantly from the integration of the banking businesses through focused collaboration within Credit Suisse. As a result of this focused collaboration, Asset Management won mandates with the help of the Investment Banking and Private Banking segments. In addition, Asset Management launched initiatives together with Private Banking to increase penetration of the private client base with discretionary mandates, which is expected to provide additional high-margin returns for Credit Suisse. As part of its strategy to develop its presence in Asia, Credit Suisse announced an agreement to form a joint venture in South Korea with Woori Asset Management, in which Credit Suisse will acquire a 30% stake. The venture combines Woori Asset Management's strong onshore distribution network with Credit Suisse's expertise and knowledge of global markets. In addition to proprietary channels in the US, registered funds of hedge funds are now being sold through third party retail channels, representing a significant growth opportunity for this product. |
The following table presents the results of the Winterthur segment: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Gross premiums written | 10,657 | 3,657 | 9,955 | 191 | 7 | |||||||
Net premiums earned | 8,204 | 4,478 | 7,489 | 83 | 10 | |||||||
Net current investment income and net realized gains/(losses) | 2,540 | 1,723 | 1,852 | 47 | 37 | |||||||
Other revenues, including fees | 171 | 180 | 144 | (5) | 19 | |||||||
Net revenues | 10,915 | 6,381 | 9,485 | 71 | 15 | |||||||
Policyholder benefits incurred | 7,702 | 4,113 | 7,196 | 87 | 7 | |||||||
Investment income credited to policyholder account balances | 1,041 | 351 | 324 | 197 | 221 | |||||||
Dividends to policyholders incurred | 615 | 328 | 464 | 88 | 33 | |||||||
Provisions for credit losses | 1 | 8 | (2) | (88) | – | |||||||
Total benefits, claims, dividends and credit losses | 9,359 | 4,800 | 7,982 | 95 | 17 | |||||||
Insurance underwriting and acquisition expenses | 461 | 458 | 497 | 1 | (7) | |||||||
Administration expenses | 537 | 519 | 529 | 3 | 2 | |||||||
Other expenses | 48 | 118 | 58 | (59) | (17) | |||||||
Restructuring charges | 5 | 4 | 1 | 25 | 400 | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 1,051 | 1,099 | 1,085 | (4) | (3) | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 505 | 482 | 418 | 5 | 21 | |||||||
The growth in total business volume was driven by the Life & Pensions business, which increased 18% to CHF 8,179 million as a result of a CHF 681 million, or 13%, growth in traditional business and a CHF 578 million, or 39%, growth in investment-type products. A strong increase in traditional single premiums in the group life business in Switzerland resulted from new contracts, transfers of vested benefits and additional contributions from individuals. The growth in traditional business was further driven by premium growth in the German life and health business as well as by an increase in annual premiums in Japan. The strong growth in investment-type products was mainly driven by the UK, reflecting both strong new business performance and an increased investment inflow in anticipation of UK tax law changes that will impact treatment of pension contributions effective in the second quarter of 2006. In addition, the growth in investment-type products reflected increased contributions from Asia and Central and Eastern Europe.
Gross premiums written in the Non-Life business remained stable at CHF 4,544 million, while net premiums earned grew 2% to CHF 2,107 million, benefiting from the strengthening of the US dollar. Premium growth was mainly achieved in Switzerland due to tariff increases and in Spain due to volume increases in the non-motor business. This growth was offset by a decline in Germany, resulting from both selective re-underwriting in the non-motor business and market pressure in the motor business. Management continues to take measures to address this market pressure, including the introduction of a new competitively priced product line in October 2005 and other product initiatives. Net current investment income and net realized gains/(losses) in the first quarter of 2006 increased CHF 688 million, or 37%, compared to the first quarter of 2005, primarily reflecting the market appreciation on the underlying assets backing the unit-linked policies, which was credited to policyholders' accounts. Net investment return backing traditional life policies and non-life policies decreased 0.5 percentage points to 4.8% compared to the first quarter of 2005, reflecting a lower level of realized gains. In the first quarter of 2006, total benefits, claims, dividends and credit losses increased CHF 1,377 million, or 17%, to CHF 9,359 million, compared to the first quarter of 2005. The increase in investment income credited to policyholder account balances amounted to CHF 717 million, primarily reflecting market appreciation. The higher traditional life premium income resulted in an increase in the change in provisions for policyholders' benefits incurred by CHF 506 million, or 7%. The increase in dividends to policyholders of CHF 151 million, or 33%, was mainly driven by the improved results in the group life business in Switzerland. Total operating expenses in the first quarter of 2006 decreased CHF 34 million, or 3%, compared to the first quarter of 2005. Insurance underwriting and acquisition expenses decreased CHF 36 million, or 7%, reflecting lower amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs (DAC) and present value of future profits (PVFP). Administration expenses increased 2%, a lower rate than total business volume, reflecting sustained strict cost management, with efficiency improvements in mature markets offsetting increased expenses in growth markets. |
The following table presents an overview of Winterthur's results by business: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Winterthur | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1Q2006 ,in CHF m | Life & Pensions | Non-Life | Other Activities | Corporate Center / Eliminations | 1) | 1Q2006 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Total business volume | 8,179 | 4,544 | 194 | (180) | 12,737 | 11,450 | 11 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross premiums written | 6,109 | 4,544 | 180 | (176) | 10,657 | 9,955 | 7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned | 6,071 | 2,107 | 27 | (1) | 8,204 | 7,489 | 10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Net revenues | 8,602 | 2,313 | 17 | (17) | 10,915 | 9,485 | 15 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total benefits, claims, dividends and credit losses | 7,913 | 1,403 | 43 | 0 | 9,359 | 7,982 | 17 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total operating expenses | 374 | 611 | 16 | 50 | 1,051 | 1,085 | (3) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes and minority interests | 315 | 299 | (42) | (67) | 505 | 418 | 21 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Income tax expense | 145 | 132 | 10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minority interests | 26 | 25 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Income from continuing operations | 334 | 261 | 28 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Income/(loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax | 23 | (10) | – | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net income | 357 | 251 | 42 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1) Includes Corporate Center expenses, certain financing costs and eliminations. |
The following tables present key information of the Winterthur segment: | ||||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | |||||
Total business volume 1) | 12,737 | 5,683 | 11,450 | |||||
Return on equity 2) | 15.0% | 11.4% | 12.0% | |||||
1) Gross premiums written from non-life and traditional life business and policyholder deposits on investment-type products. | ||||||||
2) Net income/(loss) divided by average shareholder's equity. |
in CHF bn, except where indicated | 31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | |||||
Assets under management 1) | 159.8 | 153.3 | 4.2 | |||||
Technical provisions | 152.2 | 145.1 | 4.9 | |||||
Shareholder's equity, in CHF m | 9,401 | 9,695 | (3) | |||||
1) Based upon savings-related provisions for policyholders plus off-balance sheet assets for life, pension and health businesses and investment assets for non-life business. |
The following table presents the results of the Life & Pensions business: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Gross premiums written | 6,109 | 2,333 | 5,428 | 162 | 13 | |||||||
Net premiums earned | 6,071 | 2,333 | 5,391 | 160 | 13 | |||||||
Net current investment income and net realized gains/(losses) | 2,363 | 1,568 | 1,666 | 51 | 42 | |||||||
Other revenues, including fees | 168 | 144 | 138 | 17 | 22 | |||||||
Net revenues | 8,602 | 4,045 | 7,195 | 113 | 20 | |||||||
Total benefits, claims, dividends and credit losses | 7,913 | 3,410 | 6,494 | 132 | 22 | |||||||
Insurance underwriting and acquisition expenses | 97 | 101 | 149 | (4) | (35) | |||||||
Administration expenses | 249 | 275 | 255 | (9) | (2) | |||||||
Other expenses | 28 | 44 | 22 | (36) | 27 | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 374 | 420 | 426 | (11) | (12) | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 315 | 215 | 275 | 47 | 15 | |||||||
The following tables present key information of the Life & Pensions business: | ||||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | |||||
Total business volume 1) | 8,179 | 4,352 | 6,920 | |||||
Expense ratio 2) | 4.2% | 8.6% | 5.8% | |||||
1) Gross premiums written from traditional business and policyholder deposits from investment-type products. | ||||||||
2) Insurance underwriting, acquisition and administration expenses as a percentage of total business volume. |
in CHF bn | 31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | |||||
Assets under management | 139.1 | 131.9 | 5.5 | |||||
Technical provisions | 132.0 | 126.8 | 4.1 | |||||
The following table presents the results of the Non-Life business: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Gross premiums written | 4,544 | 1,335 | 4,522 | 240 | 0 | |||||||
Net premiums earned | 2,107 | 2,114 | 2,067 | 0 | 2 | |||||||
Net current investment income and net realized gains/(losses) | 188 | 143 | 203 | 31 | (7) | |||||||
Other revenues, including fees | 18 | 39 | 16 | (54) | 13 | |||||||
Net revenues | 2,313 | 2,296 | 2,286 | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Total benefits, claims, dividends and credit losses | 1,403 | 1,383 | 1,447 | 1 | (3) | |||||||
Insurance underwriting and acquisition expenses | 362 | 337 | 348 | 7 | 4 | |||||||
Administration expenses | 226 | 228 | 223 | (1) | 1 | |||||||
Other expenses | 23 | 42 | (4) | (45) | – | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 611 | 607 | 567 | 1 | 8 | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 299 | 306 | 272 | (2) | 10 | |||||||
The following tables present key information of the Non-Life business: | ||||||||
in % | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | |||||
Combined ratio 1) | 93.5% | 90.5% | 96.7% | |||||
Claims ratio 2) | 65.6% | 63.8% | 69.1% | |||||
Expense ratio 3) | 27.9% | 26.7% | 27.6% | |||||
1) Claims and annuities incurred and insurance underwriting, acquisition and administration expenses as a percentage of net premiums earned. | ||||||||
2) Claims and annuities incurred as a percentage of net premiums earned. | ||||||||
3) Insurance underwriting, acquisition and administration expenses as a percentage of net premiums earned. |
31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | ||||||
Technical provisions, in CHF bn | 19.4 | 17.5 | 10.9 | |||||
The following table presents the results of the Other Activities business: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Gross premiums written | 180 | 1 | 192 | – | (6) | |||||||
Net premiums earned | 27 | 29 | 31 | (7) | (13) | |||||||
Net revenues | 17 | 49 | 32 | (65) | (47) | |||||||
Total benefits, claims, dividends and credit losses | 43 | 6 | 42 | – | 2 | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 16 | 64 | 49 | (75) | (67) | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | (42) | (21) | (59) | 100 | (29) | |||||||
The following table presents the investment income of the Winterthur segment: | ||||||||||||
in CHF m | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | |||||||
Net current investment income | 1,251 | 1,102 | 1,219 | 14 | 3 | |||||||
of which backing traditional life policies and non-life policies | 1,165 | 1,075 | 1,136 | 8 | 3 | |||||||
of which Life & Pensions | 1,005 | 935 | 995 | 7 | 1 | |||||||
of which Non-Life | 157 | 136 | 139 | 15 | 13 | |||||||
of which backing unit-linked liabilities general account | 86 | 27 | 83 | 219 | 4 | |||||||
of which Life & Pensions | 86 | 27 | 83 | 219 | 4 | |||||||
Realized gains/(losses), net | 1,289 | 620 | 633 | 108 | 104 | |||||||
of which backing traditional life policies and non-life policies | 384 | 341 | 460 | 13 | (17) | |||||||
of which Life & Pensions | 368 | 327 | 413 | 13 | (11) | |||||||
of which Non-Life | 32 | 6 | 64 | 433 | (50) | |||||||
of which backing unit-linked liabilities general account | 905 | 279 | 173 | 224 | 423 | |||||||
of which Life & Pensions | 905 | 279 | 173 | 224 | 423 | |||||||
Net current investment income and net realized gains/(losses) | 2,540 | 1,722 | 1,852 | 48 | 37 | |||||||
of which backing traditional life policies and non-life policies | 1,549 | 1,416 | 1,596 | 9 | (3) | |||||||
of which backing unit-linked liabilities general account | 991 | 306 | 256 | 224 | 287 | |||||||
Investment income separate account | 311 | 149 | 137 | 109 | 127 | |||||||
The following table presents the investment return of the Winterthur segment: | ||||||||||||
1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | Change in % from 4Q2005 | Change in % from 1Q2005 | ||||||||
Net current investment return backing traditional life policies and non-life policies | 3.6% | 3.4% | 3.8% | – | – | |||||||
Realized gains/(losses) backing traditional life policies and non-life policies | 1.2% | 1.0% | 1.5% | – | – | |||||||
Net investment return backing traditional life and non-life policies | 4.8% | 4.4% | 5.3% | – | – | |||||||
of which Life & Pensions | 5.0% | 4.6% | 5.5% | – | – | |||||||
of which Non-Life | 4.0% | 3.0% | 4.8% | – | – | |||||||
The following table presents Winterthur's investment portfolio: | ||||||||||||||||||
31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | |||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | Book value | Fair value | Book value | Fair value | ||||||||||||||
Debt securities - held-to-maturity | 10,010 | 10,187 | 10,052 | 10,523 | ||||||||||||||
Debt securities - available-for-sale | 77,679 | 77,679 | 78,431 | 78,431 | ||||||||||||||
Equity securities - available-for-sale | 11,198 | 11,198 | 8,885 | 8,885 | ||||||||||||||
Debt securities - trading | 1,589 | 1,589 | 1,670 | 1,670 | ||||||||||||||
Equity securities - trading | 19,872 | 19,872 | 17,988 | 17,988 | ||||||||||||||
Mortgage loans | 10,192 | 10,465 | 10,027 | 10,540 | ||||||||||||||
Other loans | 5,570 | 5,798 | 5,320 | 5,775 | ||||||||||||||
Real estate | 8,777 | 9,095 | 8,700 | 8,940 | ||||||||||||||
Other investments | 993 | 993 | 1,421 | 1,421 | ||||||||||||||
Investments, general account | 145,880 | 146,876 | 142,494 | 144,173 | ||||||||||||||
Investments, separate account | 6,417 | 6,417 | 5,920 | 5,920 | ||||||||||||||
Total investments | 152,297 | 153,293 | 148,414 | 150,093 | ||||||||||||||
of which Life & Pensions | 133,050 | 133,768 | 129,298 | 130,597 | ||||||||||||||
of which Non-Life | 18,357 | 18,651 | 18,307 | 18,759 | ||||||||||||||
of which Other Activities | 890 | 874 | 809 | 737 | ||||||||||||||
Debt and equity securities - trading and loans - include CHF 18,705 million (December 31, 2005: CHF 17,109 million) held backing unit-linked liabilities in the general account. |
The following table presents detail of held-to-maturity and available-for-sale securities of the Winterthur investment portfolio: | ||||||||||||||||||
31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | |||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | Amortized cost | 1) | Gross unrealized gains | Gross unrealized losses | Fair value | Amortized cost | 2) | Gross unrealized gains | Gross unrealized losses | Fair value | ||||||||
Debt securities – held-to-maturity | 10,010 | 214 | 37 | 10,187 | 10,052 | 477 | 6 | 10,523 | ||||||||||
Debt securities – available-for-sale | 76,755 | 1,969 | 1,045 | 77,679 | 75,274 | 3,521 | 364 | 78,431 | ||||||||||
Equity securities – available-for-sale | 9,596 | 1,670 | 68 | 11,198 | 7,731 | 1,200 | 46 | 8,885 | ||||||||||
Securities – available-for-sale | 86,351 | 3,639 | 1,113 | 88,877 | 83,005 | 4,721 | 410 | 87,316 | ||||||||||
1) Includes an increase of CHF 308 million to amortized cost due to hedge accounting basis adjustments. | ||||||||||||||||||
2) Includes an increase of CHF 262 million to amortized cost due to hedge accounting basis adjustments. |
The following table sets forth information on assets under management: | ||||||||
in CHF bn | 31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | |||||
Investment Banking | 14.3 | 14.5 | (1.4) | |||||
Private Banking | 882.7 | 837.6 | 5.4 | |||||
Asset Management | 619.6 | 589.4 | 5.1 | |||||
Winterthur | 159.8 | 153.3 | 4.2 | |||||
Less assets managed on behalf of other segments | (122.8) | (110.5) | 11.1 | |||||
Credit Suisse Group | 1,553.6 | 1,484.3 | 4.7 | |||||
of which discretionary | 772.9 | 742.5 | 4.1 | |||||
of which advisory | 780.7 | 741.8 | 5.2 | |||||
The following table sets forth information on net new assets: | ||||||||
in CHF bn | 1Q2006 | 4Q2005 | 1Q2005 | |||||
Investment Banking | 0.2 | 0.0 | (0.5) | |||||
Private Banking | 14.8 | 8.9 | 14.1 | |||||
Asset Management | 17.0 | (0.8) | 3.9 | |||||
Winterthur | 3.7 | (0.2) | 2.8 | |||||
Less net new assets managed on behalf of other segments | (4.6) | (0.1) | (4.9) | |||||
Credit Suisse Group | 31.1 | 7.8 | 15.4 | |||||
The following table sets forth information on client assets: | ||||||||
in CHF bn | 31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | |||||
Investment Banking | 73.6 | 69.6 | 5.7 | |||||
Private Banking | 1,000.4 | 951.9 | 5.1 | |||||
Asset Management | 626.1 | 596.0 | 5.1 | |||||
Winterthur | 159.8 | 153.3 | 4.2 | |||||
Less client assets managed on behalf of other segments | (122.8) | (110.5) | 11.1 | |||||
Credit Suisse Group | 1,737.1 | 1,660.3 | 4.6 | |||||
The following table sets forth details of BIS data (risk-weighted assets, capital and ratios): | |||||||||||||
Credit Suisse Group | Credit Suisse | ||||||||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | 31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | |||||||||
Risk-weighted positions | 233,649 | 218,899 | 217,215 | 200,904 | |||||||||
Market risk equivalents | 14,467 | 13,992 | 13,287 | 12,499 | |||||||||
Risk-weighted assets | 248,116 | 232,891 | 230,502 | 213,403 | |||||||||
Total shareholders' equity | 42,630 | 42,118 | 25,638 | 25,788 | |||||||||
Reconciliation to Tier 1 capital: | |||||||||||||
Non-cumulative perpetual preferred securities | 2,179 | 2,170 | 1,049 | 1,044 | |||||||||
Investment in insurance entities | (4,056) | (4,179) | (12) | (12) | |||||||||
Adjustments for goodwill, minority interests, disallowed unrealized gains on fair value measurement, own shares and dividend accruals | (13,975) | (13,761) | (4,939) | (6,257) | |||||||||
Tier 1 capital | 26,778 | 26,348 | 21,736 | 20,563 | |||||||||
Tier 1 ratio | 10.8% | 11.3% | 9.4% | 9.6% | |||||||||
Total capital | 33,609 | 31,918 | 32,041 | 29,815 | |||||||||
Total capital ratio | 13.5% | 13.7% | 13.9% | 14.0% | |||||||||
The Swiss Federal Banking Commission (EBK) has advised that Credit Suisse Group and Credit Suisse may continue to include as Tier 1 capital CHF 2.2 billion and CHF 6.5 billion, respectively, as of March 31, 2006 (December 31, 2005: CHF 2.2 billion and CHF 6.5 billion, respectively) of equity from special purpose entities that are deconsolidated under FIN 46R. |
The following table sets forth the Group's risk profile, using ERC as the common risk measure: | ||||||||
Change in % from | Change analysis: brief summary | |||||||
in CHF m | 31.03.06 | 31.12.05 | 31.03.06 vs 31.12.05 | |||||
Interest Rate ERC, Credit Spread ERC & Foreign Exchange Rate ERC | 5,316 | 13% | Higher credit spread risk in Investment Banking and Winterthur. | |||||
Equity Investment ERC | 4,435 | 25% |